019, I guess I can

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o19. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ I GUESS I CAN !
— I can give it a try!

It was a late Saturday afternoon in Miyagi Prefecture, the sun had barely started to sun and there was a small breeze that took over the weather. The Karasuno volleyball team had all been studying at Nishinoya's house, all sitting around the Yus family's small dining room table, squishing next to each other as much as they could to make room for everyone to sit around together. Around the table, most friends sat next to each other, going around the table it went Nishinoya at the head of the table, then next to him was Tanaka, then Kami, then Sonmi, Asahi, Sugawara, Daichi, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Hinata, Kageyama, and then Ennoshita who sat next to Nishinoya. Though most grades had been trying to sit next to each other, Sonmi had decided she would rather sit next to Kami since she was not wanting to be near Tsukishima. It was a mere coincidence that Asahi sat next to her, or so she thought, he probably sat next to her on purpose, which she certainly didn't mind.

"Hinata quit it!"

"I'm not doing anything."

This conversation could sum up how studying was going for the Karasauno boys volleyball team, absolutely nothing was getting done and people were getting easily annoyed with everyone. Or at least one person could be described as annoyed, that person being Kei Tsukishima, having he was not getting any of his studying done or helping everyone else study either. The boy was sitting across from none other than Sonmi, just his luck right? Not to mention she was sitting next to Asahi of all people, like he hadn't just told her how he felt about her and him. To his demise, he did tell Sonmi he wouldn't try to change his ways for her, so he could see why she did this, but it didn't stop him from getting annoyed. Especially when he saw the two getting so close, their shoulders and hands touching and he could only imagine their legs had been touching as well. This further infuriated the boy, as much as he tried to ignore it, he couldn't stand the sight.

Across from Tsukishima, Sonmi sat unknowingly of how the boy was thinking, she instead was having the time of her life. The girl was helping Tanaka and Nishinoya as much as she could, seeing she was a grade below the boys, along with the help from Ennoshita. Sonmi didn't see the point in her and Tsukishima trying to help Hinata and Kageyama especially since Tsukshima seemed too sure he could do it himself. This could've been the reality but Sonmi had only thought this way to avoid Tsukishima, again. Sonmi was back into her avoiding Tsukishima mindset like she had been only a thousand times before, but she certainly didn't mind it. These days see been ignoring him only made her feel better, knowing she didn't have to deal with his passive aggressiveness towards her or the confusing feelings he had for her. Sonmi had been focusing on herself and her finals coming up instead of worrying about what Tsukishima was thinking of her.

Tsukishima hadn't managed to get anything done while being at Nishinoyas', he was too preoccupied with being irritated, it wasn't until Hianta asked for his help that he snapped out of his funk.

one & only,    kei tsukishima.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora