021, check on you

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o21. ⛅️🦢🏐 ↬ CHECK ON YOU !
—I didn't want to start a fight with you!

"Ah!!! We are in Tokyo!"

Was the first thing Sonmi heard as she made her way off the Karasuno bus, she was all smiles as she looked around at the bright blue sky of Tokyo, watching the people passing by on the street, and the smell of fresh pine. The girl watched as the rest of the team started to get acquainted with the Nekoma team again. She looked to see the familiar looking tall spiky black-haired boy from last time, to be honest Sonmi didn't care to learn any of the teams names from that game due to her funk she had been in that week. The memories drifted back for a moment before Sonmi decided to shake it out of her head and fully get off the bus, moving over to where Asahi and Sugawara were.

Asahi looked around bleakly, "Doesn't seem that much different from back home in Niyagi."

"We are out in the suburbs you know." Suga reminded him.

Sonmi smiled at the two, "Well I think it's pretty cool here!" Sonmi perked up, catching the attention of the two, she realized the two probably didn't know she was right there since she didn't say anything until now. Her face turned a little red, she didn't mean to ease drop on the two and hoped they didn't think it was weird of her to be forcing herself in the conversation.

In the background Sonmi could hear faint talking, causing her to turn and see Nishinoya and Yamaguchi pushing Tsukishima off the bus, "Wake up already!" Noya commanded.

Tsukishima opened his heavy eyelids, rubbing his eyes as he yawned. He certainly couldn't be bothered to be awake at such an early time, especially on a weekend. He could feel as Yamaguchi and Nishinoya pushed him off the bus, he looked around at the surroundings, the blue sky and white clouds, but one thing caught his attention. He saw Sonmi looking over at him, while it looked like she had been talking to Asahi. This prompted him to stand up more straight and wake up, "Yeah, yeah guys," He shook the two boys off him, "I'm up."

Sonmi turned her attention back towards the school, noticing as Kami was pulling her along. Kami had been following behind Kiyoko and Yachi as they all tried to make their way into the school, "Come on Som, we don't have all day to be staring." She teased, elbowing her, which caused Sonmi to roll her eyes.

"So you've never been to Tokyo before Sonmi?"

Sonmi looked over to see the tall long haired Ace had been talking to her, she looked a bit surprised to hear her name, considering he had not called Sonmi her full name often. She went to answer the question before she was interrupted by a cry.

"There's FOUR of them?" A boy yelled, he fell to the floor in tears, "Half's the sexy kind, and half's the cute kind!" Sonmi observed the boy, realizing she had recognized him, Yamamoto from the Nekoma high, a second year who played as the teams Ace. As he continued to cry on the floor he shouted, "I'm not worthy of such a blessing."

one & only,    kei tsukishima.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora