Connie Welfiore (part one)

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'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Motherfucking ass fucking prick i cant believe his fucing ugly ass torn face!'

You were storming around your room pacing back and fourth yelling and swearing like it were the last time you'd see the person you hated most. But in all honesty everyone thought you were like srsly? Calm yo shit.

"That insufferable douche cant get any fucking better can he? He just had to go off and fuck everything up like it was nobody's buisness!!!"

" darling, i do believe that its time for you to eat, you have been in your fit of..... rage for many days..i cannot let you  starve.. It is very unhealthy!"

Slenders voice echoed through your mind and it was annoying as hell. He came by and said the same shit for the past week.


"I said i wasn't hungry yesterday"
" and that was yesterday "
"Im not hungry" my stomach growled, i latched my hands around the lower part of my upper body
"Your stomach says otherwise darling"
"I said im not hungry and i'm perfectly healthy" my stomach growled again, 'fuck you for ruining this stomach!'
" if i let you out of your room will you eat? "
"But!.. "
"There's always buts with you!! This is clearly unfair to my situation!"
" you remember the girl you nearly slaughtered? Connie welfiore?"
" of course i remember her i was about to rip her little golden head off"
"You must keep watch over her for awhile till, well her insanity kicks in.."
" who said i wanted to"
" your father and benefitor"
" dear zalgo kill me fine! But! I get 20 boxes of poptarts and oreos"
" alright sweety come downstairs"

And with that a click was heard and you were free. You clutched Jeff's knife that he had lodged in your shoulder a week ago and you ran downstairs. Awaiting to kill jeff and to receive your poptarts and oreos

' little motherfucker is gonna die today!!'

As you entered the dining hall all the eyes were on you. You scanned the room and found you were deceived.
Jeff was not in the room.
Little fucker

"Wheres jeff?" Your frustrated tone gave everyone the chills

"He's still recovering from zalgo's attack..." Ben studdered to you, his wounds were healing as well.
You sat down eagerly at the dining table and pulled over the pancakes and waffles ( obiously you would be eating those, cause you know who gives a damn #toby is life )


After you breakfast you went back into your room to change, with your many boxes of treats. pulling a black  band-tee with the lettering (fav band). You slid  on the band tee and threw on a dark leather jacket. putting on black jeans and tying your hair in a messy bun you threw on your boots and stormed out the door.

Walking through the woods  your eyes were open and looking around, hearing a noise you scattered up a tree. Looking down you see little Connie. She was playing in a nearby streem. Scaring the minnows back and fourth. Gazing upon the girl brought back memories.

~(flash to the back)~ (kyass author chan can see how cute you look!!)(although im wrighting the story i still think of all my reader chans too)

Little (y/n) was playing in a small pond, her little jeans and pink floral shirt rolled up so your clothes would not get wet. The minnows nibbled your toes and you laughed and giggled cause well you were only 7 and what the hell. Your beautiful (h/c) was put up in a pony tail and your   (e/c) eyes glistened as the pond reflected in your eyes. The world around you was at peace. Until someone came along pulling your pony tail. You let out a loud screech being the 7 year old you were. And it hurt like hell

"Gosh (y/n) your so stupid! Dont you know you cannt play in the pond!! Its filthy and gross!"

You slightly older stepsister kept pulling on your hair.

"Mommy said i could play in the pond and the fishy's like me"
"Your mommy is not mine so you listen to daddy who said not to play in the pond"

"But i like to play in the pond.."

She pushed you into the cold pond and you got soaked from head to toe

"You look so stupid jesus (y/n) your so dumb fish dont have feelings sp they cant like you! And who would like you anyway, your just stupid and ugly!"

She walked away laughing and you got up after a while  and started to  walk home alone. Shaking and nearly collapsing from the cold air surrounding you in the coldness of fall. you were too tierd and cold to keep going you collapsed to the ground. Your body instanly stiffened from the fall.

"A-am i going to die.."

You rolled into a ball and tried to keep warm. Small tears formed in the corner of your eyes and they rolled down you soft cherry red cheeks.
Suddenly someone extremely large picked you up. Then out of nowhere  you were at your door. Your mother opened the door and started to cry, worried sick for you she picked you up and rushed you into a warm tub...

Little did you know a tall female figure smiled gently as she watched you be carried into your house as her blonde hair flowed through the wind.
You only got a glimpse of her and you though she was and angel.

~(le end of flash back)~

You watched the girl for quite a while, she played around making little domes in river for the fish to live in ( if you never did this as a child you had no childhood!)  It was getting dark and fast. She packed up her small things, and she walked back into her home not that far from the forest.
She looked like she  was about 12. And she did not look anything but normal. Cheery smile bright clothes and cherry red painted nails.

When she got home no one seemed to be home with her, it seemed she was alone for a while.
She went into her room and hid under her bed.
'Why on earth?'
You were sitting in a tree across from her window.
Suddenly a loud smash was heard you hadn't realized it but the father came home. He was obviously drunk as fuck. He stormed around the house searching for something. You moved around on the side of the house with the trees that surrounded it, he was in his room. He opened the nightstand door and pulled out a row of something.

"What the hell is he doing!?"

He stormed into his lonely daughters room. Obviously searching for her. He crashed things around in her already messy room. But he was too drunk to seem to find her. He walked out. After a couple of minutes of silence, she  slowly inched her way out from under the bed looking back and fourth to see if he was still there. He burst through the door and looked down at his daughter. His sick grin was terrifying. He grabbed her arm and ripped her out from under her bed. She screeched and cried for help. This wasn't right. This was so horrible. He started ripping at her shirt, she kicked and tried to fight back but still to no avail he still had her in a tight grip. You finally saw what he pulled out of the drawr was.
A row of condoms
"What the fucking hell?!?"

(And that the end of this chapter!! Oh god i miss wrighting so fucking much!! Thank you soo much for holding up, im sorry i have not updated in a really long time. I had gotten my laptop stolen and my phone taken away. Stupid shit guys seriouly stupid shit, if you guys removed my story from your librarys and shit  well you guys are missing out on a great couple of updates ;) byes for now guys u can expect an update in two or three days. Love u guys
~ lady mörder death

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