its all over

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Her small body lay next to mine as i awoke again in the middle if the night. I stroked her head lightly. I thought deeply about what she must have been through. But somehow i felt i knew how she must be feeling knowing what i had been going through before this transformation. I can barely sleep at night. And all day im in a horrible mood. I never feel like myself. Never. I hear voices in my head whispering to me. Its driving me to the edge of sanity. Well all the sanity i have left. God help me. My head shook. I cant deal with this right now. I let myself fall asleep again.

???'s p.o.v
She lay there sleeping before my eyes, her body helpless and unable to defend herself. Perfect timing, zalgo will be proud of me. Maybe i'll get an extra meal for my work. I pounced from the ceiling engulfing the girl in a dark cloud her. body struggled at fist the became still. The dark cloud fused with her body becoming one with her. My work is done i crawled out the window and ran away and back to the nether realm to the castle of my master.

Your p.o.v
My body shook as i awoke suddenly. My head pounded and was ripping my sanity apart. I let out a cry of pain awakening connie. She looked at me in shock. I could feel tears running down my eyes. My body burned and i let out a blood curtiling scream. Awakening most in the house. Connie ran out of the room crying out for someone to help her big sister. I fell into a fetal position holding myself as i cried from pain. I was in the most pain i have ever felt in my life. It burnt tore and shredded my body on the inside. My eyes became clouded as i slipped out of my own consciousness. The last words to escape my mouth were a cry for help. I could no longer controll my body.
Welcome to a living hell baby. A voice whispered inside my mind. I could see my actions as if i was looking through blinds. I screamed out for help but no sound came out. Shhh baby, just let me take controll, you'll be fine. No stop let me out. Your lost in your own mind. There's no escape sorry baby. No..please. I pleaded to the voice bu no responce came from it. I could see myself stand up from the fetal position and walk out of my room. Pushing all pasta's in my way to the side even going as far as hitting sally who tried to hug me for comfort. I was crying what was i doing. I was not in controll. I would never such a thing to her. I walked out of the mansion and i just kept walking. Going what seemed to be nowhere.

(A/n) i feel like im running out of ideas for this story i might end it off right here idk if i shoul continue, i've gotten a shit ton of hate on my story and i dont think i want to continue it, what do you guys think? Leave a comment love you guys

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