Strings which bind my soul

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At this point I couldn't take it any longer, it was just too tiring. Staying in the same place for four years without ever being able to feel the wind's breeze, or the rain's cool droplets. The manor I was inside in which I once called home, now became my prison. If I dared to even leave, I would be killed. At least I think that's what would happen. After all, she could come in and decide to grab me with her "hands" at any time. However, she now has a new hobby. Now I can use that time to plan my escape.

Currently, I'm in my room which is covered in dust. No matter where you looked there would be gray particles drifting about. There was only one window in my room however, which was perfect for keeping watch for when she came back. The window is tinted in grime and dirt, I just wish she let some of the servants live before she decided to make them puppets. It's about 6:00 pm, and soon she'll be back. It's best if I leave my room and hide elsewhere. I can't bear to see her face without curling up and crying.

As I leave my room, I can feel terror rising up in me. I take deep breaths, listening to my shaky breath going in and out. Panic attacks were becoming normal at this point, before I couldn't even control my breathing and would fall onto the ground. After calming myself down I make my way down the corridor, looking directly at my feet and not daring to look up. I knew if I looked above me I would start to cry from the sight of the dolls. The dolls were staring at me, I knew that even though I wasn't looking at them. They hated me, they hated me because it was my fault they were dolls in the first place. If I looked up I would stare back at them for hours, no matter how much I would try to look away, I knew I wouldn't be able to.

After a while I come across the kitchen, the perfect place to take a break from the dolls stalking me from the ceiling. Walking into the room, the air has a smell of meat and vanilla. There seems to be a cake with sausage chunks in the middle of the kitchen. Confused, I walk over to the cake, only to be disgusted that the sausage chunks aren't cooked and that their blood is staining the white frosting coating the cake. I see a half-covered in frosting paper beside the cake. Barely being able to read the bad hand writing it says.

"A surprise for my older brother Charlie, Add flour,eggs,and chicken feet in a bowl. Then mix raw chunks of-"

The rest of the paper is covered in cake batter. If anything, she tried to make me a cake for some odd reason. I highly doubt it's even edible with the way the recipe was going though. If anything I should leave, shed be mad if she knew I left my room, finding her surprise for me. I leave the kitchen suddenly hearing a large creak. Despite the manor being so big, it was so quiet you could hear any sound loud enough to echo through the hallways. The door to the kitchen was fairly quiet and didn't squeak much, therefore that only meant one thing. She was back. I quickly ran back into the kitchen, looking for any possible hiding spot. Cabinets? No, I'm too big. The Fridge? Would I even be able to breathe there? My eyes landed on the pantry, but what if she needed more ingredients for the cake? I heard footsteps coming closer and closer, I don't think I have a choice. I quickly open the pantry and hide inside just as the kitchen door opens. Trying to hold my breath and stay quiet as possible I can't help but notice the funny smell from inside the pantry. That's when I noticed the dead chickens under my feet. What's even worse is that their legs were gone. Did she seriously rip off these chicken's legs and stuff the rest of the bodies in the pantry?! It was a mistake coming in here, if I had known what she was up to, maybe I wouldn't be in this situation. That's when the pantry door was slammed open. With a human-like doll with blonde hair looking at me right in the eyes.

We both silently stared at each other, neither of us talking. What was she going to do, was she going to kill me for trying to escape, or lock me in my room so I can no longer leave? As I'm about to have another panic attack she finally speaks.

Strings which bind my soulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang