Chapter 9

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A/N: Fluffy filler time ooooo~ (which will inevitably lead into angst ofc... but we're not angsting Tenko this time 😊)

"Mooom!" Shoto shouted as he came barreling into the kitchen. "Touya's being mean to me!"

Rei chuckled and picked up her preschooler. "What did he do this time?"

"He called me small!" Shoto exclaimed indignantly.

"But you are small," Rei replied, amused.

"He's smaller than Natsuo!" Shoto retorted.

"Still taller than you, bite-size," Touya shot back, coming around the corner.

Shoto huffed loudly in discontentment.

Rei placed her youngest back down on the ground. "Alright, you two, go get Dad for me, okay? I let him sleep in since he was so exhausted."

"Okay!" Touya and Shoto answered at the same time before racing upstairs, shoving each other in the process.

"Be nice!" Rei shouted after her sons, though she knew it was likely in vain.

Shoto reached the top of the stairs after his older brother but quickly coated the ground in a thin layer of ice.

Touya slipped on the suddenly slippery surface and face-planted into the floor.

Shoto skated across the icy surface easily and passed his brother.

"Shoto, don't use your ice in the house!" Rei yelled, guessing what had happened just judging by the sounds.

"How did you know?" Shoto shouted back from upstairs.

"I don't even need to look to know what any of you are up to," Rei responded smugly, bringing a bunch of dishes out to the dining table.

Shoto barged into his parents' room first and poked his dad in the kneecap. "Dad, get up!"

Enji didn't stir, still asleep.

Touya followed in after Shoto and looked over at his father's sleeping figure. He turned to his younger brother with a mischievous grin and held both of his hands out.

Shoto understood his brother immediately and raised his right hand, coating Touya's hands with a thin layer of ice.

Touya slinked up to Enji before placing both of his icy hands on the latter's chest.

Enji didn't open his eyes but inhaled sharply. "I'm going to put the both of you up for adoption," he muttered groggily.

Both Touya and Shoto broke out in gleeful giggles, escaping from the room before their dad could get up.

"What did you do to your poor father?" Rei questioned as she heard Touya and Shoto laugh loudly while bolting downstairs.

Fuyumi and Natsuo also snickered from the dining table.

"Nothing," Touya and Shoto answered simultaneously in a totally convincing manner.

"Yeah, sure, I believe that," Rei replied sarcastically, taking a seat.

Touya and Shoto joined the table as well, digging into their food.

After a few minutes, Enji finished getting ready and headed downstairs as well. "Little assholes!" he exclaimed as he spotted his two sons.

Both Touya and Shoto quickly shot out of their seats and ran off.

"Get back here!" Enji chased after his sons, going after the easier target of Shoto first. He scooped the latter off of the ground and tossed him onto the couch, causing the preschooler to squeal. "You're next, Touya!"

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