I think you come from another world

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"hi Mom" i say before trying to run off 

"wait one minute missy" mum said she sounded drunk her words were slurred "the school called today they said you weren't going to history class"


"why?" mum asked "is some one picking on you because if they are i will beat there tiny little ass"

"no, mum i just get bored" i say 

"oh, ok well go to class" she said "don't end up like me" she walked away and picked up a cancer stick pack.

i knew what she ment by don't end up like me she got preg with me when she was around 15 and gave birth to me at 16 and she didn't get that far in school she dropped out. she seems happy i guess.


time skip: time for history

before i decied to go history i took 3 long laps around school 

and now i am hear 


"ahhh. miss green so glad you could join us for once" the teacher says

"yeah i guess" i say 

"if you don't remeber where you sit its in front of Mr Hockstetter"


the second i sit down i feel a shoe brushing against my thigh. in response i grab the shoe and throw it on the ground and it makes a loud noise which cause people to look in our direction 

why does that mother fucker only where fucking chunky ass boots i think to myself

while i was lost in my thoughts a piece of paper lands on my desk

it wrote: you always wear baggy clothing why? i bet your body looks hot as fuck

i read the paper 

scrunch it up 

and throw it in my bag

another piece of paper land on my desk

it wrote: well that was rude

i read the paper

scrunch it up

and throw it in my bag

this goes on for another 5 minutes untill 

"Mr hockstetter could you please sit down"

i look over to my side and guess who i see patrick just standing there looking over me like some creepo

he yanks my hand places it in my hand and whispers in my ear 

"i'm not a calm person, read it before something bad happens" 

and then he goes to sit down.

i read it:

1st stopping being a fucking attention seeking whore i know you fucking crave attention

2nd can i bang you ;)

i pull out  some paper and started writting down my respons:

1st oh wow how did you know (sarcastic)

2nd no fucking dick head 

3rd stop bothering me cocksucker

i put the paper down on Patricks desk

Patricks POV

she put the paper down on my desk 

i picked it up and read it 

fucking shit this girl makes me hard as fuck

i pull out another piece of paper and started drawing her the best i could (i'm not arty)

and wrote underneath the drawing

i think you come from another world


yippie chapter 2 

469 words

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