A fresh start

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It was mid October and the wind was flirting with the leaves as it blew through Annabeth's honey toned hair as she walked across the camp grounds. She was walking over to Percy who had been avoiding her company for about a month because he knew the disagreeable conversation that was to be had.

  The painfull breakup. 

They  both knew it was coming but neither of them wanted to admit it, for both knew- or thought they knew- the pain it would inflict upon the other person in the relationship. 

Let me explain. 

Ever since they got back from Ta- that place, their relationship had already been strained.

 But when one day a kid walked in with a hellhound chasing him everything changed. 

The minute he walked through the barrier he was claimed by Zeus everyone bowed down and talked to him. They didn't even know his name. It was Zane Harass. Soon he had everyone saying he was better than Percy. 

But what hurt Percy the most is that one day when he was setting up a special date for Annabeth and overheard her saying " You're so much better than Percy. That moment broke his heart. But he didn't think she had saw him. But this proved him wrong.

Annie walked right up to Percy and said "I don't think we should see each other anymore."

 He immediately ran to his cabin in shock and tears. He knew that it was coming but he wanted to think he had imagined it all. While at the same time his subconscious felt a huge weight had been lifted off of him.

It was like Percy's world had snapped in two. The woman he had went through hell for had finally broken up with him, he didn't deserve her. The Fates popped in his mind. One, Lachesis, said, "I am so sorry dear child." And then horrible memories and images ran through his head. They felt like they belonged to him but, at the same time, so distant. He remembered two names. Carmae and Nicholas. Now he just had to figure out who they were. And then he went to go on a walk.

End of chapter.

Authors note

Please give me better story name ideas. I don't know how often I will update but I will not abandon this story. I love you my little shits.



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