Seb's Serious Talk

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Grid Mum: Hi guys Charles is going to be fine. He has his hand in a cast 
and Max is with him.

Tripod: I should be with him!

Grid Mum: I know Pierre but you were asleep and he was upset.

HONEYBADGER: I'm so sorry I promise I didn't mean to wake everyone up and ruin it-

Grid Mum: Daniel I know you mean it but you can't just keep saying sorry after you do something like this. You just do it again afterwards and someone gets hurt. You're older than the kids you should know what not to do.

HONEYBADGER: I'm sorry- I'm sorry Seb please-

Grid Mum: Go calm down Daniel. Now.

-HONEYBADGER has come offline-

Lando is okay: You're being a bit harsh on him Seb :( it was me who broke his knuckle after all.

Grid Mum: I don't want to be harsh but he doesn't listen to me being soft on him. And I know you didn't mean to, you're still a kid and he dragged you into it anyway.

Albono: Are you angry at Dan?

Grid Mum: A little. He should know better now. I've told him time after time and it's getting tiring. He won't listen to me.

Golden Retriever: Is Charles okay?

Albono: Yeah

SUPER MAX: Is Daniel okay? He doesn't do well in situations like this.

Lando is okay: I don't know do you want me to go check on him?

SUPER MAX: Yes please Lando. Also everyone Charles is fine he is just sleepy from the medicine they gave him. I can take him home now.

-Lando is okay has come offline-

Grid Mum: Alright. Everyone please be gentle with him. COUGH COUGH CARLOS.

Smooth Operator: What

Grid Mum: No rugby tackling Charles.

Smooth Operator: But that's not fair!


Smooth Operator: Oh jaja I forgot.

Albono: How- you know what I'm not even going to ask. 😀

-Lando is okay has come online-

Lando is okay: HOW DO I CALM DOWN A CRYING MAN?!?! HELP?!?!

SUPER MAX: I'm almost home Lando wait for me!

Aussie Aussie Aussie: I just woke up what the poop is going on?

'MURICA!: Not got a clue

Debris: Coincidence you start typing as soon as Oscar does? 🤔

'MURICA!: Nyck we are literally together.

Debris: Oh yeah haha 😀

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