Addendum 22489-A

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Date: ██/██/████

Interviewer: Dr.█████████

Interviewee: SCP-22489-1


Dr.█████████: Can you currently speak?

SCP-22489-1: Yes.

Dr.█████████: Good. This is the only successful conversation we've had with anyone from the islands. Would you mind answering our questions?

SCP-22489-1: Proceed.

Dr.█████████: Do you know where you and SCP-22489-2 came from originally?

SCP-22489-1: No.

Dr.█████████: You have no recollection of your origins whatsoever?

SCP-22489-1: None.

Dr.█████████: Interesting. You seem oddly calm unlike the rest of SCP-22489, do you have no fear of us?

SCP-22489-1: [[Locks eyes with Dr.█████████, releasing a low gurgle-like sound.]] I don't plan on harming any of you. Though I cannot promise to stay peaceable if harm comes to my people or my friend.

Dr.█████████: Harm will not come to them as long as they stay calm and controlled. Does that put you at ease?

SCP-22489-1: [[Goes back to minimal eye contact.]]Mostly.

Dr.█████████: Alright. Moving on. Would you be opposed to the Foundation running some tests?

SCP-22489-1: No. Do what you must.

Dr.█████████: Excellent. My team and I will return to collect different substances from you soon.

[[Dr.█████████ begins to walk away, hesitating slightly as he hears a low growl from SCP-22489-1.]]

SCP-22489-1: Take your personnel with you until you return.

Dr.█████████: I can't leave the island without leaving some of our personnel to keep track of everything.

SCP-22489-1: You may leave two, and only two, of your personnel here. I will not negotiate.



Interviewer's Note: SCP-22489-1 does not seem to be senselessly hostile, it will only react viciously if its boundaries are overstepped.


Addendum 22489-B: Observation Log

Log of event 22489-B1: Dr.█████████ and his team observe as SCP-22489-1 shows off its abilities. SCP-22489-1 refuses to use its abilies on or near SCP-22489-3, instead using a large shark.

Subject: SCP-22489-1

Conditions before the experiment: Neither SCP-22489-2 nor SCP-22489-3 will be used to test SCP-22489-1 abilities on. The testing will happen away from any entity on the island.

0845: SCP-22489-1 takes a deep breath before letting out a watery roar and breathing out a long jet of water. The water is pressured enough to both push the shark back and scale it simultaneously.

Creatures of the SCP foundationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora