
882 46 1

Queens, NYC

"Grandpa is picking us up?" Y/N asked.


"I'm so excited to meet him." Y/N said to which felicia responded with a smile. Their flight just landed and they were collecting their baggage.
"Mom, is something bothering you?"

"Me-huh? No?" Felicia chuckled.

"You are acting even more worried since we landed."

"I dont know what you're talking about. Oh, here's the last one. Come on let's go, your grandpa must be waiting." Felicia said as she put the last bag on the carrier and started walking.
Y/N decided to remain silent because there was no way he was going to get anything from his mother's mouth unless she chose to tell him.

"Here they are!" Walter exclaimed in joy when he saw his daughter and her son walking out of the airport. "Bring it in." He pulled them both together for a warm hug.

"Hey gramps. Missed you." Y/N said when they pulled back from the hug.

"You've grown up so much but you still look the same." Walter said. "Where are your glasses?"

"You'd be surprised, I don't need them anymore." Y/N said proudly. Walter responded with a smile, which quickly faded as he noticed his daughter giving him the death stare.

"I forgot." He mouthed. Felicia rolled her eyes.

They all got into Walter's car and he started driving. Tired Y/N fell asleep resting against the car window. Felicia was lost in thoughts while looking at her son. She was concerned, She was scared and she was angry. She kept hiding from her past, expecting it to leave her, but it returned in a more horrible form than she had anticipated.

"He's your son, he is gonna be alright." Walter said to which felicia responded with nothing. "Peter is going to meet me an hour later. Would you like to join us?"

"Dad, do you think this is a joke?" Felicia exclaimed.

"Sorry." Walter turned his gaze back on road.

"No, No I'm sorry." Felicia sighed. "It's just-he's the last person I want to meet after all this."

"And the only person who has answers." Walter said.

"You're right."

"What are you scared of? I think it's a good thing. Your son can be a superhero, he could save lives, be a role model for everyone." Walter said.

"That's what I'm scared of. He's my little Y/N, he's not some superhero like Peter. He can't do it." Felicia said.

"He can't? Or you don't want him to?"

"I dont want him to. It's same anyways."

"Why not?"

"I left that field for a reason and now I dont want my son anywhere near it."

"But honey-"

"I dont want to talk about it. Plus's we aren't sure about it yet. Just talk to Peter and tell me what he said." Felicia said.

"As you wish, dear." Walter shrugged.

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