Genshin Impact(WIP)

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((These OCs will get their own page when they are completed but for now I'm putting them here together))

Name: Adachi Shizu
  Adachi - Foot/Stand
  Shizu - Silent
Gender: Female
Rarity: 4 Star
Banner Title: Night Blossoms Upon True Beauty
Birthday: April 20
Age: 23
Nation: Inazuma
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Shizu is quite calm and collected, as the oldest daughter of her family she is expected to be. When sparring and in combat, she can seem very cocky; small smiles and a certain glare in her gaze that makes her seem like she's looking down on her opponent. Sometimes, she is. Other times, she is just enjoying the flow of the fight. Behind closed doors and in the company of those she trusts and loves, Shizu can actually seem very approachable. Kind warm smiles and full laughs, perhaps throwing out a joke here and there. Keeping up her family image is always on her mind, so she tries to keep herself in check when around the public eye.
Appearance: Long black hair that reaches down past her mid-back, straight brows with narrow grey eyes.
Clothes: A uniform fit for fighting with a black, gold, and purple color scheme. Her clan has a history of being quite famous samurai, so even with her family's status as top of the clan, they still tend to wear more armor opposed to refined clothes that most other clans do. She has a choker around her neck with an electro symbol, and her Vision rests on her hip.
Vision: Electro
Weapon: Spear/Sword
Constellation: Umbra Bellator (Shadow Warrior)
Love Interest: Kamisato Ayato
Backup Love Interest:
Other: The Adachi Clan is a Clan that plays a huge role in the Tenryou Comission, though during the Vision Hunt Decree, they took a firm stand to not enforce it. This brought an upset against them but also inner turmoil within the honorable Clan that usually did everything the Shogun wanted them to, but they decided to keep their standing firm for the time of the Vision Hunt Decree.

-Voice Lines-

Hello: "Yes yes, do whatever needs to be done. Oh? It's apologies, work has been quite difficult. Greetings, I am Adachi Shizu."

When It Rains: "Ah...of course. Do you mind the rain? I can get us someplace dry momentarily."

When Thunder Strikes: "Don't be afraid, I'm right by your side. Just think nothing of it other than the Shogun practicing her moves; everytime she strikes the air, thunder and lighting crash through the sky as a symbol of her strength."

Good Morning: "It's morning already? Seems I wasn't paying attention to the time...oh well, good morning."

Good Night: "Sleep well. Why am I not joining you? I have business to attend to, but worry not, I'll have returned by the time you wake up."

About Us 1: "As someone with political standing in Inazuma, I am well aware of the threats that come and pass. Be it monsters, or the monsters that come in human form. I can sense the same in you, traveler. You've been through a lot, haven't you?"


Name: Wei Xia
  Wei - Brilliant Red; glowing
  Xia - Rosy clouds
God Name:
   Shu Heng
  Shu - warm-hearted
  Heng - Eternal
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 20th
Age: 5'000+
Rarity: 5 Star
Banner Title: Kindled Flames of Eternity
Sexuality: Bisexual but most of her partners have been male
Personality: She's grown wiser, over time, so she is not as violent and war heavy as she used to be back when that energy was needed to survive. Wei Xia still holds a commanding presence and often speaks her mind. She loves to plan and strategize, and battle excites her. The thrill of a fight doesn't get old, and often pulls out her past self. She loves animals, often playing with dogs or cats that wander the streets. Despite her battle heavy past, Wei Xia enjoys spending time with any friends she has in a calm setting, like on the beach or in a hot spring.
Appearance: Wei Xia has dark reddish fuschia hair that reaches her mid back and is black at the roots. It is lightly wavy and she either wears it down or with some up in a bun and the rest falling down. She is 5'7 and has a light athletic build.
Clothes: ((will draw later, she has a brown, red, and gold color scheme)
Vision: Pyro/Love(Curatio)
• By love, it basically pertains to her abilities as a God. The more prayers and respect she gets, the stronger she is in terms of healing and giving other people strength, though she is no longer a God because her home was decimated. So she is much weaker than she used to be with her abilities to heal and give other people strength, so in turn it starts to take a toll on her
Weapon: Polearm
Constellation: Draco Ignem (Dragon Flame)
Love Interest: Zhongli
Backstory: Shu Heng was one of the many Gods who vied their hand for an Archon seat. Before that though, she was friends with Zhongli, who at the time went by Morax or Rex Lapis. They fought in many battles together, making a name for themselves across the land of Liyue. There was always the threat of when the two of them would come to war for power, though when Shu Heng had failed to protect her people from an onslaught of Gods, she fell back on Morax. Her people were gone, and therefore so was her need to get a seat of power. So instead she became a protector of Morax's people alongside the Adepti and Yaksha, adopting the name Wei Xia from the people. For when she rained fire down upon enemies the sky and clouds turned crimson.

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