Cold (fluff)

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Resident evil 4-

You and Leon had managed to find a small shack to hide from the ganado in whilst figuring out how to help the presidents daughter, Ashley graham, who you were set on a mission to find.
Leon and you always worked well as partners, meeting on the first day of the outbreak back at raccoon city. You were both rookie cops so you stuck to each other like glue and that helped you through those dark times. Knowing you had someone who had your back and that you could talk to meant a lot.
Leon always had a bit of a thing for you too, when you two first met and he got a good look at you he just kind of stood there for a couple seconds, looking at you with a blank expression but a light blush spreading across his cheeks. And If you're being honest, you felt the exact same way for him.

As you and Leon grew and changed together you obviously bonded more and more. The raccoon city incident really changed him, he was a lot colder now and he didn't smile as much. That was unless he was with you of course. You, somehow, always managed to bring out his rookie spirit again, even if it was fainter than before, it was still there and it was adorable. You two were also a lot more confident now, having gone through so much. Leon had been flirting with you a bit more than usual ever since you were partnered together on this mission. It's not like it was a rare occasion you were partnered together but it seemed he'd just finally decided to make his move.

You and Leon blocked the door with a crowbar you found inside the shack before standing back and observing your work.
"It's safe enough but we should move somewhere safer after we get some rest, we've been running all day," he sighs, looking over at you and catching you shiver. You had used your jacket to hold a lever in place so you two could get through but you ended up having to leave it behind as the room you'd been in before had been completely blocked off.

"Hey, you look freezing.." he says with a hint of worry, taking off his own jacket and handing it over to you.
You look down at it then back up at him, "what about you?" You ask, concerned for his own well being.
"You know how I am," he chuckles lightly. "Somehow I'm always warm, no matter the weather."
"I- okay.." you smile softly, hesitantly putting on his jacket as he watches you do so.
"Suits you~" he says playfully and gives you a wink. You notice goosebumps start to spread over his skin.
You blush at his statement before sitting against a wall, "Hey, cmere..." you say gently, gesturing for him to join you.

He walks over a couple seconds later, sitting close by you, clearly trying to get closer for warmth without being too intruding.
You wrap your arm around him to make the move, not saying anything as you don't want to ruin the moment. You can feel his body tense up a little and a blush spreads across his cheeks before he leans his head on your shoulder.
You rub his arm gently and rest your head on top of his.
"Warmer?" You ask, smiling slightly.
"Mm," he Hums in agreement and nuzzles into you, clearly still a bit nervous.
"You should get some sleep, I'll keep watch since you usually do. We can move once you've napped, is that okay?" You ask gently, moving your hands to play with his hair.
He immediately gets flustered by your little gesture and nod slowly. "Um, yeah.." he stutters, avoiding eye contact but still clearly enjoying this interaction. He doesn't usually like other people touching his hair but, once again, you're an exception.
You nod In response and gently kiss his forehead. He looks up at you with a surprised expression, no words coming to mind that he could say. He goes straight back to nuzzling into you and shutting his eyes, letting himself drift to sleep. He looks happier than he did before.

The ganado outside start to clear whilst you and Leon are in each others embrace, playing with his hair whilst you keep lookout. He looks so peaceful, almost like it's the First Time you've seen him look this carefree since the very start of raccoon city.
You're glad you can bring him happiness and hope that that little kiss on his forehead would lead to something more, that it truly meant a lot to him.

(I hope you enjoyed the first oneshot lol 😭
Reminder that I do take requests too x)

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