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Back in the middle of the forest, the Lions were evenly spaced out in a line. They were ready to face this new approaching threat. Before them, backed by a great company of hyenas, stood an older bear. Her appearance hid her liveliness and strength. She wore a dark red velvet gown that hung down to her feet. A silky black belt was fastened around her waist with a single knot above her left hip. In her right paw, she graciously held a polished mahogany stick that matched her height. This stick was crowned with a sparkling ruby shard. The ruby was the same color as her robe. Her eyes were unnaturally black. She wore round silver earrings, one to each ear.
The hyenas behind her stood upright. Most of them were dressed the same way. They wore wide leather belts upon which hung curved steel daggers. Their handles were decorated with varying numbers of red stripes. The leather belts also served to hold their dirty shredded loincloths in place. Across their torsos were strips of old garments. These rags were of the same material as their loincloths, though it was nearly impossible to identify their original color. A smaller number of hyenas stood one head above the rest. A golden earring in the left ear further distinguished these taller hyenas. Still, others appeared to have both ears pierced by golden hoops. The Great Lion abruptly broke the silence.
"You seem to misunderstand the implications of banishment. Leave now while my anger is yet at bay!"
"Now, now, is this how you entertain all of your guests?" the bear replied.
"I came to discuss a proposal... An exchange, if you prefer."
"We do not suffer the desires of those we have banished," the Earth Lion growled. The other Lions roared in agreement. The Great Lion spoke once more.
"Your role in the war has not been forgotten. You have been ordered never to return. I will not repeat myself."
With a sigh, the witch bear sadly replied.
"It will be a great shame when I relate to your brethren that you have forsaken them."
The Lions' eyes widened, and their ears perked up. Their brethren, still alive? The Great Lion answered.
"How do we know this is not another of your tricks?"
"Oh, Great Lion, I invite you to study my face. See how lean I have become. I am weary beyond my years spent in the wilderness. My fading magic can no longer hide my frailty as before. I fear with one swipe of your mighty paw; I would be utterly finished. What do I stand to gain by deceiving you now?" The Great Lion stood silently and deep in thought. The other Lions stretched their forepaws and began pacing, their eyes trained on the hyenas. Despite their numbers, the hyenas cowered in fear. At length, the Great Lion spoke once more.
"What is your proposal?"
"I have returned for one small thing... A trifle." She then reached up and removed the ruby from the top of her stick.
"This ruby I now hold was separated from its other half approximately eight years ago. I have been searching for it ever since. Little by little, their division has been weakening me at an increasing rate. In my desperation, I cast a locator spell and was led back to the Forest. As such, my simple request is that the missing shard is returned to me. Once that is done, I will gladly be on my way. Neither you nor anyone here will ever hear from me or my army again. It shall be as if I had never existed."
The which curtsied as she spoke the last sentence.
"We cannot give you what you seek. The ruby is not here."
"My locator spell would not deceive me. I would caution you not to try my patience."
"Go away, cunning one. I will not tell you again." The Great Lion snarled. "Since you refuse to return what is rightfully mine, you leave me no choice." She then released the ruby, which promptly floated to its resting place atop her stick. It was then that several things happened at once. She thrust her stick into the air. The Great Lion roared and leaped forward. The other Lions ran toward their prey. The hyenas began running for their lives.
The witch nimbly dodged two Lions' attempts to pin her down. She waved her stick in a circle while chanting in an unfamiliar tongue. Suddenly, a dazzling white light exploded from the ruby, rapidly expanding throughout the forest. The Lions were instantly immobilized. They subsequently lost consciousness and collapsed to the ground. The hyenas stopped their retreat. Some nervously laughed when they realized the Lions were no longer chasing them. A pair of taller hyenas cautiously approached the Lions. One poked the nearest Lion with his dagger, then barked with joy as he realized the Lions were no longer a threat.
Plucky held on to his mother as tightly as he could. They were huddled together in the kitchen - the room furthest from the front door and the danger outside. As his eyes were tightly shut, he did not notice the strange white light permeating every inch of his home. He instead felt a slight tingling and warmth on his fur, pausing for a second as it passed over his chest. Then the sensation was gone, just as quickly as it came. His intuition told him to open his eyes, which he did. It was then he realized his mother was nowhere to be found.

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