Part 3: Chapter 1

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"She's still not up?" I heard a voice ask. Poppy maybe?

"Well, her future self did say it would take some time." I heard Sebastian answer somewhere near me. "we just have to let her body readjust."

On another day I heard another conversation. "Sebastian..." I could hear the older me sigh somewhere. "You should go eat, or rest. You won't be any good to her when she wakes up if you are sick."

I heard Sebastian chuckle. "I'll be alright. I've waited for her before. I'll wait again."

Ava signed again, "such a romantic."

"Sebastian... Poppy is worried that you haven't slept. It's been almost a week." Ominis said softly to Sebastian on another day.

"She's going to wake up soon. I Can feel it."  I felt him lift my hand and kiss it softly. "She's gotta."


I wasn't sure how long I'd been out at this point. And I was kind of afraid to open my eyes. I squeezed my eyes tightly before testing out the waters and opening my eyes. It seemed like it was mid afternoon maybe. When I looked around Sebastian had tucked himself into the chair and was uncomfortably sleeping.

His hand was still on mine so I squeezed it a bit until I felt him stir. His eyes snapped open as he remembered where he was and he looked down at me. "Ava." I whispered before leaning in close to me and holding me tightly. "You scared me half to death. Maybe even more then half."

"I'm sorry." I said with my voice still a bit horse. Sebastian quickly grabbed a cup of water and helped me drink some. "How long was I sleeping?"

"Two weeks."

"My classes." I started to panic and began trying to get up.

Sebastian softly shushed me and laid me back down. "It's okay. They have had other teachers volunteer to watch your classes. The students come visit you often. Everything is okay."

"Eleazar!?" I asked quickly.

"He's okay. He's at the cottage. Ava said he wouldn't leave until he knew you woke up." I sighed and let myself fall a bit deeper into the pillows.

"And Ominis..."

"I'm okay."  Ominis answered standing at the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry." He said quieter.

I waved him over to me and once he got closer I pulled him into a tight hug. He definitely hesitated for a moment but then gave in hugging me back. "Don't say sorry okay?"

"Group hug?" I heard myself ask as she and her family entered the hospital wing.

As Ominis and i separated Eleazar climbed onto my bed and hugged me tightly. Something he had never really done before.

"He wanted to make sure you were okay." The other me said softly. She had a sweater on but because she's me she had her sleeves up and I could see the old scar that was looking very fresh on my arm.

I raised my left arm slightly, "I'm sorry."

"It was weird.. my arm suddenly being a little tight to move. But now that it's been a few weeks I'm starting to forget what life was like before it." She smiled at me.

"I'm glad you're okay little Avs." The other Sebastian said as he placed Anne on top of me and touched my cheek softly.

"Alright..." both Sebastian and future me said in unison making the other Sebastian laugh.

I hugged both kids one more time. "I'll see you guys soon okay?"

Eleazar giggled. "Yeah you will."

"How are you feeling?"

"I made waffles appear with my magic." He whispered to me before giggling again.

"Wait... wait how did you.." Sebastian shook his head and tried to keep himself from laughing as Eleazar jumped off the bed and went back to his mothers side. I looked at her as she looked at me. "This is the last time..." I said to her.

She nodded sadly, "as much as I enjoyed being friends with myself. I do want to go home. Good luck." She smiled once more as the older Sebastian hugged Ominis tightly.

Ominis seemed stressed about the amount of hugs he was getting.

As the four of them left Sebastian and I looked at Ominis. "Do you want to stay with us for a bit?" I asked him. "We do have an empty room now."

"I would love and appreciate that." Ominis said simply.

Two weeks later

"Avs, no one would blame you for resting still." Ominis  told me while he listened to me scramble around for all my stuff to take to the school.

"You sound like Sebastian. I'll be okay. I hate being on house arrest."

Ominis chuckled, "it isn't house arrest. Resting after surviving the killing curse is not house arrest. How's your arm?"

"Badass." I grinned slightly trying to move my arm. "Can't move it as well anymore though,"

"I would assume that would be the case." He heard me open the front door, "wait where are you going?"

"To work. Class starts soon."

"Ava!" Ominis pouted. "Sebastian might kill me if you leave this house."

"You'll survive. Or I'll come to the funeral. Bye Ominis."

I heard him groan as I shut the door. I booked it to the floo powder station. I knew Sebastian was in London so there was no way he would-

I ran smack into a very broad chest that I love to cuddle with every night. Sebastian sighed as he caught me from bouncing back and falling over. "Why is resting so hard for you?" He asked.

"I'm bored."


"We only have so many books. Shouldn't you be at work."

"I had a feeling you'd make a run for it today." His sweet Smile that I love so much really pissed me off today.

"Let me go."

"What do I get in return?" He smirked softly.

"You get to live." I teased.

"That's it." He tried to grab me but I ducked and got to the station before he could get to me.

"I love you! I'll see you later."

I landed in front the floo station by my classroom. As I dusted myself off I wondered why I didn't just aparate. Would have been easier. But seeing Sebastian and semi flirting with him was worth it.

"Miss Ava?" I looked over my shoulder at my favorite first year.

"Ginerva Weasley. On your way to class?"

"Yes. Are you back today?"

"I am? I missed my first years too much." She smiled. "Go to class I'll see you later."

I walked into my class and got over exaggerated gasps from my 3rd years.

"Professor Ava! I'm surprised to see you. Before you're supposed to come back." Sharp eyed me curiously.

"I assumed you were fed up teaching defense against the dark arts." I teased. He did honestly look grateful though.

"We'll I'll uh... let you take over."

"Sebastian already knows so don't be a snitch. Have a good day." I smiled at him as he walked out of the class.

I glanced at the black board to see what everyone was learning then back at my students who were waiting for me to start. I smiled at them and closed the textbook sharp was using.

"Alright class. Let's get started."

Overtaken, book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon