chapter the fourth: ooh yay, i have a glamour

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Mipsy's intervention, while annoying when I first stepped into the room, meant I felt a lot better now. In fact, I was almost okay with the elf shoving me in there. I said almost, right? "Mipsy..." I said, stopping halfway down the hall from the portrait room, the door closed.

"Yes young miss?" she asked, turning around, the corners of her lips turning upwards. She knew exactly what she was doing. I sigh, feeling... something. It wasn't anger, not anymore. "I don't know why you thought that was a good idea..."

She opens her mouth to interject, but I raise a palm, and then finish. "but thank you." she bops her head, and i nearly cry when she turns around and she's not there to stare at me. "Young miss recieved a letter from Gringotts earlier!" she chirped, looking back for a moment. "I've placed it in the spare room for now," she said, stopping in front of a bedroom. I blink, confused, because I was not paying attention to the directions to navigate the maze. I thank Mipsy, watching as she disappears, and turn towards the bedroom.

Is it going to be like earlier, practically overflowing with someone else's stuff? I open the door slowly, not wanting to be faced with items of someone probably long dead. Instead, I find a perfectly blank, normal room. A fresh canvas, so to speak, even if I feel as if I'm dirtied beyond repair.

I nearly flop onto the bed, but my aching knee reminds me of what I've done. Right, fighting. I waltz over to the two doors, sliding them open. One's a closet with a few items in it, and the other's a bathroom. I flick on the light in the bathroom, finding a stack of toiletries sitting on the counter. The clothes in the closet are the basics- a pair of pajamas, a set of jeans, some shirts, and a fancy looking dress. I take the pajamas and undergarments out of the closet, bringing them to the bathroom, and take a shower, slowly rinsing away the blood and grime that made me unlovable.

As the bubbles and water cycle around the drain, I lean against the wall of the shower. I feel much better as I take a small breather, besides my knee's aching. Still, a quick glance confirms that it's fine; it's just going to bruise. 

Wrapping myself in a fluffy towel, I get ready for bed; the pajamas don't feel like they fit right, but I'd rather have them loose than tight. My knee aches as I slowly walk to the bed, plopping down and crawling under the covers. I try to shove away my reflection, black hair like James, bright green eyes like Lily. I looked up at the ceiling, head lolling to the side as I no longer found the odd texture visually appealing. 

And then I remember the Gringotts letter, hanging out on my nightstand. I stare at it as if it's the only thing in the world, and I idly wonder what it's about now. I had thought I had gotten rid of everything... like that, but if the letter is any indication, there's something else. I sigh, curiosity officially peaked, and i gripped the letter tightly as I opened it. 

"Dear Miss Potter..." I mumble, reading over the letter. "..some more tests to run.." I sigh, the letter dropping onto the bed. I put my head in my hands, taking a deep breath. Time to find out what's wrong with me now...

I check the date, and sigh, slumping over in bed. Two days from now. It already feels like an unbearable amount of time, I think, slowly counting each second as I stare up at the ceiling. What has he done? I idly wonder as my eyes start to droop closed and i feel the unbearable ache of my body. 

What have I done?


The ache is still there in the morning, just not as prominent. For once, I'm almost thankful for the ache, because it reminds me that I'm still here, sinking into the extremely comfortable bed of a guest room. There's no way I could live in the heiress room or the other main rooms. Not after everything..

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