Chapter 5

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*Keisha's point of view*

I walk into the lunch room standing in line to get my food, why I ask if she would like to sit with us? I do.not.know, especially since she's part of the (popular group) and I'm not trying to earn some enemies on my first day..maybe I should tell her to forget it and sit with her people, I thought to myself.

I get my lunch and search around looking for Kiari until my eyes land on her already sitting at my table talking with Rikki....more like flirting. I swear to God that bit ch better not lay a hand on her or else I'm gonna.......wait did I just say HER? Why am I getting jealous? This all is so weird.

I was so stuck in my thoughts that I haven't noticed that there was a girl about average size with shoulder length blonde hair and she stand about 5'4...she's short compared to me at least. She wore to much make-up and had a huge grin on her face. I swear she looks like the bride of the joker in batman......that is the show right? don't know that much about the human world, only a few things from the sinners that were sent to hell as they hid from the demons searching for them which obviously they found them. You can run but you can't hide is what I used to say. It took me a minute before noticing that the jokers bride was talking to me.

"Well?" She asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I asked what your name is and if you would like to sit with me and my friends at lunch so that we can get to know you better I mean like we all thought it was so cool on how you stood up for yourself back in the hallway earlier and how you dropped Ben I mean how much strength do you have? That was amazing........" She continued as I stopped listening hearing the boy's name and the fact that she talked to much.

So his name is Ben huh? Well looks like me and Ben are going to have to have a little friendly talk about what happened earlier since she brought it back to my mind. I look over back at my table to notice that it was completely empty and Julie, Rikki and Kairi was gone.

"Where did they go?" I asked myself.

"Where did who go?" The girl asked.

"Oh your still here? Sorry I wasn't really listening." I said harshly.

I saw the hurt in her eyes but I didn't care, all I cared was where Kairi went....and Julie and Rikki.

I threw my lunch away thinking to myself what a waist of my good money but that didn't matter now. I needed to find them, what if they were in if they couldn't take care of themselves but Kairi...

I looked around the lunch room then the library then the classrooms, janitor's closet, I glanced outside and still know sign of them anywhere. Now is the time when I worry, which doesn't happen a lot. I started to get dizzy from all the stress and running around plus lunch was almost over, I need a minute. I walked into the bathroom to splash some water on my face to clear my head.

"Faster" A girl moaned in the stalls.

Whoa whoa hell no! This can not be happening to me, I think in my head.

"Keep going" The girl moans louder.

What.the.fuck...I can't believe this, I got to get the hell out of here before I puke.

"Keep your voice down" A man voice says in the stalls. Wait why does that voice sound so familiar?

"Okay" The girl moans. Both of those voices sound the same...what the hell? I say to myself. I walk over to the stalls slowly, afraid of what I might see but my curiosity got the best of me. I eased over to the stall until the girl said something that will make my heart burst.

"Harder Rikki" The girl moaned.

"Oh hell no!!" I screamed kicking the stall open to only have my jaw drop, eyes wide and breathless. Do my eyes deceive me? they can't but I wish they did.

"I don't believe this" I breathed finally....

Let me know what you think.....that's Julie in the pic



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