I- Marriage Inconvenience, angst

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The bride was crying while she is being walked down the aisle of her wedding by her father, who was grinning ear-to-ear
Proud that his daughter is being wed to the son of one of the most powerful person in the business industry.

But she was not crying because of happiness because she is going to marry  the man of her dreams, but because of the hurt, pain, and guilt she felt when she saw her one true love waiting beside her soon-to-be husband, as his best man.

Tears from her eyes began pouring even more as she comes closer to her husband. And just then, she remembered how she and her fiance's best friend would glance at each other lovingly and even hold hands whenever they had the chance.

She remembered how one time they almost got caught holding hands when her fiance's not looking, and just reasoned idiotically that she handed him something, which her Fiance blindly believed...

But her back then not knowing that her husband saw it, and just ignored it for the sake of her "loving" him back, broke her heart right now.

I know you might say they're cruel for doing all that and she admits she feels guilty, but this was a forced marriage after all. Her father and his father forced them to marry each other regardless of their protests, just for connections and power, not caring if it'll ruin their love life.

She doesn't love her fiance, she never did. But when she met his best friend, she knew right away that it was true love.

As she saw him as a kind and respectful person, unlike how she saw her fiance when they met. She saw him as a jerk, a jealous prick that gets violent when a stranger looks at her in just a off way.

But her fiance loved her...

So much that he was willing to pretend to not see how his best friend and his fiance look at each other so lovingly...

He knew they loved each other, but he doesn't want to back down. He wants to prove her that when they get married, he'll treat her like a queen.

He loved her so much that he was willing to give her anything and everything.

His dignity.


And even his life.

But he's doesn't love her that much to let her go...

He looked at her lovingly as she starts to say her vows. His eyes sparkling of both happiness and pain. Because she's finally gonna be his wife, and because he knows that she's imagining someone else in his position, and promising whomever they are of forever love...

But he doesn't care.

All he cares about is how that person doesn't get to be her husband like he does.

And how their love is forbidden and his aren't. He was selfish, and he knew it.

But it was all for love...
He doesn't care if he looked pathetic, lying to himself just to have her in his arms...

Because just like he said; "to hold a beautiful rose, you have to feel it's thorns first"

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