chapter 1

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Charlotte = Lauren
Charlottes pov

the one and only Shawn Mendes is my best friend. We've been friends since we were babies since our parents were best friends growing up.

it strange, I hate hanging out with girls. I rather hang out with Shawn and the rest of our boy-friends.

I mean I don't hate girls, some are super nice. I only have one girl-friend, Scarlett. she's one of my closest friends, we met in first grade.

anyways, my dad died in the army. so it's just my mom and I. ever since my dad died, she went crazy. she's an alcoholic, and goes clubbing almost everyday. she's lucky I'm old enough to take care of myself.

I usually hang out at shawns house since I hate being home especially if my moms home.

we're in 11th grade and we're both 16 as of right now.
for now, let me tell you how it all started...


I walked to shawns house and I knocked on his front door.

"hey Charlie," Shawn said, opening the door. "hey," I say, he brings me into a hug. he lead me to the living room and turned on the tv.

"mean girls?" he asked me with a smirk.

"yes!!" I nodded.

"I'll get snacks," Shawn said. I nodded and flipped through the channels.

I turned to a channel and watched as people talked about an app called "vine."

"Shawn, hey look!" I said. "hurry!" I yelled.

"what? what is it??" Shawn came running over.

"vine? that looks cool." Shawn said. we listened to the show as they talked about the app that many can get discovered by.

"you should get that! and post singing videos," I suggested. "it's been your dream for the longest time to become famous and go on tour. imagine if that happened??"

"I think I will." Shawn said, he smiled.

"let's start now!!" I said.

"but aren't I too young? I'm only 12." Shawn said.

"almost 13." I said with a smirk.

"ok. let's do it!!" Shawn yelled. I laughed at his excitement.

I dragged him into a white walled room and he sat down on his black couch and I handed him his guitar.

"what song should I sing?" Shawn asked me.

"anything you want shawny boy." I said, he smiled but shook his head.

he started to sing so I pressed record and I was soon caught up in his amazing voice.

"as long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me." Shawn sang. I couldn't stop smiling, it was so hard to stop.

Shawn started to smile as he looked at me, he turned away and looked into the camera so he wouldn't mess up. he finished the song and I couldn't be more proud.

"that was great Shawn!" I exclaimed.

"thanks Charlie." he said and blushed.

we looked at the video and cropped the bests part to 6 seconds to fit vine. he made his own vine account and posted the video.

"ok, it's on." he said, with a huge smile. we watched as the video gained loops and likes. many people revined it also!

shawns mom came home and made us dinner, we decided to tell her tomorrow about the account. we ate the dinner and went straight to shawns room.

"you should stay over tonight." Shawn suggested. I nodded and said, "let me call my mom." I walked down stairs and into the kitchen.

I used shawns house phone and dialed my moms work phone. she picked up immediately, "hi honey, are you ok?" my mom asked.

"hi mom, yes I'm fine. can I stay over shawns tonight?" I asked.

"um. sure, just be ready by 10 tomorrow morning, so I can pick you up."

"ok thanks mom. bye." I said.

"love you, bye." she hung up. I walked up to shawns room and I told him what my mom said. he set up his bed to fit the both of us and we pretended to be sleeping.

shawns mom came and said goodnight for the last time and closed the door. I quickly got up and grabbed his phone. we watched the loops continue to race up, revines and likes are boosting up!

"Shawn," I whispered. "you're going to be famous."

he shook his head, "no, I wont."

"when you do, remember me. this was my idea." I said with a wink.

"I'll always remember you." Shawn told me.

"I love you, Shawn." I whispered, as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

i looked up at him and he didn't look shocked and he didn't hesitate to say, "I love you too, Charlie."

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