chapter 10

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Charlie's pov

"I hate you." I mumbled as I swam away from him. everyone was having fun but me. I hate when Shawn makes me mad.

I got out of the pool and wrapped my self in a towel. I sat on a chair as I watched everyone play pool games with Shawn. I went on my phone and looked at pictures of me and him going viral on Instagram and Twitter.

there was also some cute pictures of just Shawn. i decided to walk to our spot and lay down. As I walked over the music and noise began to fade away.

I walked into the little house and sat on one of the benches. I laid down and went on my phone, continuing to look at the pictures.

I heard a crack of a branch and a ruffle of leaves. I sat up and looked around, "who's there?" I asked, nervously.

"boo!" Shawn yelled, jumping into the house. I screamed and he laughed. I stood up and punched his arm.

"get out." I said, shoving him out. "but I love you, please let me stay." he said.

I was all dry and he was soaking wet, my eyes traveled down to his abs. he jumped on me, giving me a hug.

"Shawn!!" I yelled. "great now I'm all wet, thanks."

"I love you." he said, kissing my cheek.

"go away." I said, walking back to the bench.

"no I'll never leave you." Shawn said, putting his hands on my waist. he turned me around so I was facing him.

"promise?" I asked. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"promise. I'll be with you forever and no matter what I will always love you."

"that's why I love you so much." I said. he pecked my lip with kisses, I lightly pushed his face away. I sat on the bench and he sat next to me.

"look at these pictures I found of you," I said to Shawn, showing him my phone with the pictures on it. "you look ugly."

"that's why you love me right?" Shawn asked as he scrolled down through the pictures.

"mhm." I said. he looked at me and gave a small smile. I was trying to hold it in, I'm such a bad liar.

"ugh fine, I'm just kidding. you look freaking hot." I said, exaggeratedly. his smile widened and he pulled me into his lap.

"you suck at lying." he told me.

"I know." I said, folding my arms and rolling my eyes.

"but I still love you." he said.

"I know, you tell me that all the time now." I said, teasingly.

"fine, I won't say it anymore and I'll go get Sofia." Shawn said, he let me sit back on the bench and he left.

I was confused on what just happened but I followed him. I watched as he walked over to Sofia.

my mouth shot open.

"Charlie? what is Shawn doing?" Scarlett asked coming up to me.

"I-i don't know." I said with a nervous giggle.

"well if you need me I'll be tanning." she said, pointing to a lounge chair. I nodded and continued to watch Shawn from a distance.

the sun began to set and I was tired of watching them. I sat next to Scarlett, Stephanie, and Cameron.
(Stephanie is my other close friend from school.)

"are you ok?" Cameron asked me. he looked very concerned. "do you need a hug?" he whispered. I gave him a look and he looked away.

"Shawn is being a jerk." Scarlett scoffed.

"nah, he's just talking to his friend. it's ok." I said, calmly.

"positivity, that's good." Stephanie said, nodding.

"can you guys go into the pool with me?" I asked, looking at the both of them.

"I'm tanning." Scarlett said. I laughed, "the sun is pretty much gone."

"I'll go," they both said. we made our way past Shawn and got into the pool, slowly. when we got in, I bumped into Jack g.

"sorry g!" I said, patting his shoulder.

"it's fine, c." he said with a wink. i kept my hand on his shoulder, it was huge and hard.

"guys feel this!" I told Scarlett and Stephanie. they touched his shoulder and soon we couldn't let go.

the jacks laughed at us, "let's have a chicken fight!" Jack j suggested. he was flirting with Stephanie the whole time.

"I want to be j." Stephanie said. "I'll be with g." I said. "I'll be the judge." Scarlett said, she swam and sat on the edge of the pool.

the jacks went under and we got onto there shoulders.

Jack came back up and I started to panic, "please don't drop me." I told Jack.

"I won't, I promise." he said, he grabbed my hands and held them tight. I smiled and we started the fight.

Stephanie almost pushed me off but Jack was holding me tight, I got strength and pushed her hard. she went straight into the water.

"yes!" i cheered. I got off of Jack and we hugged. "good job!" Jack cheered.

"hey, hey, hey, i want to go against the winner." Cameron said, he stood up from the chair and jumped into the water.

"who wants to be on my team?" Cameron asked. "I will." Shawn said. I turned to him and he gave me a smirk.

"I don't want to go against him." I whined, I ran out of the water and onto the patio of the pool. Shawn got in my way, and a smile spread on my face just by seeing him.

he grabbed me and picked me up. "let me go!" I struggled. "I love you and I will never stop saying it." Shawn whispered into my ear.

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