chapter 11

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Charlie's pov

"I love you too." I whispered back with a smile. he brought me back into the pool, slowly. the way I like it.

"alright, who's ready?" Shawn yelled. he got on Cameron's back and I got on jacks.

"Jack please don't let me go." I told Jack. "chill little mama, I won't." he replied. I laughed at his response and got myself ready.

Shawn came for me and now we were holding hands, trying to push each other.

"you know if you were a guy this would be so much easier." Shawn said, pushing me back a little.

"if you were a girl this would be so much harder." I said, then I let go of his hands and pushed his shoulders. he went straight into the water.

I laughed and JG cheered. Shawn came up from the water and gave me the evil eye.

"oh, it's on." Shawn said. he jumped on Cameron's back and came after me.

"Shawn, shawn, shawn. I'm a girl not a guy please don't hurt me." I yelled, he looked all tense and ready to hurt me.

I kicked him and then tried to push him down. he grabbed my arms and we both went diving into the water.

he brought me back up with him and smiled. "I think we have a winner." he yelled. he raised my arm up, "Charlie's the winner!!"

he smiled to me and everyone cheered. I smiled and waved the princess wave as a thank you.

when everyone went back to there own business, I got out of the water and sat by Scarlett at the edge. I watched Shawn as he fooled around with Cameron and Gilinksy.

"you guys are so perfect together, it's not even fair." Scarlett poured. I laughed at her facial expression and said, "thank you, I hope he asks me out."

"I think he will, actually no, I KNOW he will!" Scarlett said, pumping her fists into the air.

I laughed again and then I directed my attention to Shawn. he looked so gorgeous i mean who wouldn't fall in love with him so easily like I did?

I saw him looking at me. "damn it." I said, aloud. "what?" Scarlett asked. "Shawn caught me staring at him." I said, feeling my face get hot.

I glanced over at Shawn and quickly turned away as he began to smile and swim over here.

I started to stand up so I can get away but he grabbed my ankles. "let go." I whined.

"sit, please." Shawn said. I sat down and he grabbed my hands. Scarlett winked at me and got up, "I'll let you two have a moment."

"I love you." Shawn whispered. "I feel like that's all i say, so I'm sorry." he gave me a cheeky smile.

"no worries, I like it. I love you too." I said, aloud. I may have said it a bit to loud, the jacks and Cameron turned to us.

they winked at us and I rolled my eyes. I hate when people do that to Shawn and I.

"I'm cold, and I'm tired of the water. I'm going to go change." I said, starting to stand up again and he nodded.

"I'll go with you." Shawn said with a wink.

"fine." I said with a wink back to him.

we both walked close to his house and the minute we got inside and upstairs he pulled me against the wall and started to kiss me.

"Shawn." I said, giggling. "get your horny ass off of me."

I felt him smile again my cheek and then he stopped and looked at me.

"I'm not horny!!" he protested.

"liar." I said. I scrabbled into his room and grabbed my clothes. I ran to his bathroom before he can get me and try to come in.

I quickly changed and picked my hair up in a messy bun.

when I walked out Shawn was lying on his bed with his hands on his face.

"Shawn, are you okay?"

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