Not So Happy Campers Pt. 1

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Total Danganmon Island
Episode 1 - Not So Happy Campers Pt. 1

== Camp Wawanawka, Dock of Shame == (The series opens on a shot of the Dock of Shame, with the sounds of flowing water and seagulls filling the ambiance. Monomoth, the host of the show, pops up in from of the camera)

Monomoth: Hello!! Coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa is your host, Monomoth, and I'm dropping the newest reality show on TV, Total Drama Island!

(Monomoth begins walking across the dock)

Monomoth: Let's give you the rundown. Twenty-three campers from all over the region have signed up to spend nine weeks at this summer camp, where they'll be forced to compete in grueling challenges against each other, and then face the judgment of their fellow campers. (stops at the end of the dock) Every three days (under her break) give or take (back to normal) one team will the reward of having the luxury of staying at this camp, while the losing team will be forced to vote one of their own off and watch them walk down the Dock of Shame, ride the Boat of Losers, and leave the island with no chance of returning!

=== Camp Wawanakwa, Bonfire Pit === (The bonfire pit is a circular area not too far from the Dock of Shame. There's 12 tree stumps lined up together, an unlit bonfire pit in the middle, and a podium in front of said stumps and bonfire pit. It's decorated with unlit torches and stringed light. Monomoth is sitting on one of the front stumps)

Monomoth: Their fate will be judged here at the dreaded yet dramatic bonfire ceremony where all, but the one unfortunate camper that was voted off, will get a marshmallow marking their safety. In the end, only one camper will be left standing to win the grand prize of $1,000,000!! So the drama is bound to be good.

=== Camp Wawanakwa, Campgrounds === (It's a large space with two cabins for the campers to sleep in, a large dining hall, an outhouse, and a communal washroom)

Monomoth: If they want a chance at survival, they'll have to survive... flies and mosquitoes, (shows flies and mosquitoes buzzing around the outhouse) wild animals, (shows all the animals in the forest and a bear roaring in front of the camera) disgusting camp food! (Monomoth holds up a bowl of nasty food), uncomfortable beds, and, worst of all, each other! And every moment of their struggle will be caught on the hundreds of cameras situated around the camp. Who will win it all? Or who will crumble under the pressure? Sit back, grab a snack, and find out here on TOTAL... DRAMA... ISLAND!

(The four spotlights pop out; The first two are normal, the third one coming out of a gopher's burrow, and the fourth one out of the tree with a squirrel and its acorns. The director claps the clapperboard)

Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doing fine

(The camera zooms through the camp past the dock, past the cabins, past Monomoth who's sitting on a chair)

You guys are on my mind

(Up the cliff and into the lake; Sylvia is swimming in the water)

You asked me what I wanted to be

(While swimming, Sylvia notices a bunch of fish swim past her and turning around, she realizes why and swims away as well)

And now I think the answer is plain to see,

(Above the water, Faust, Sam, Gertrude, and Hanayo are all in a boat with Faust in the front and Sam, Gertrude, and Hanayo rowing it. A shark fin appears beside them and they stare at it for a while before the three row faster and off-screen)

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