Not So Happy Campers Pt. 2

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Total Danganmon Island

Episode 2 - Not So Happy Campers Pt. 2

Monomoth: (Voice-over as clips from the last episode play) Last time on Total Drama Island: Twenty-three teens signed up for a TV show to spend nine weeks on the island with the goal of winning a million dollars! We met all the campers, and they all met each other, some became fast friends, others not so much. Tension is already building and it's only been one episode! After being split into their teams and getting comfortable, I had graciously told them about their first challenge, and while some had worries, others thought they were going to be fine. Heh, how wrong they were. What will happen on their very first challenge? And who will be the unlucky loser to be the first going home? Find out now on TOTAL... DRAMA... ISLAND!

(Opening credits)

=== Wawanakwa Diving Cliff === (The 100 foot cliff that looms over the lakes of Wawanakwa Bay. All of the campers are on the top of the cliff with their teams and in their swimwear. Some people, such as Cogsworth, Sylvia, Faust, and Vincent are looking over the cliff and into the water, while others are standing far away from the cliff. A helicopter arrives and Monomoth is lowered from it onto the cliff)

Monomoth: Welcome to your very first challenge! Aren't you all excited, I can tell you're all excited!

Gertrude: (sarcastic) Yeah Monomoth, we sure are super excited to plummet to our untimely deaths on live TV.

Monomoth: (oblivious) Great! Now, as this is your first challenge, it's a rather simple one. You all must jump off this hundred feet height cliff into the lake below. As you can see, there's two rings below. The inner ring is where you'll want to target, it's the safe zone!

Sylvia: And the outer ring...?

Monomoth: Is full of man-eating sharks! (Everyone gasps)

Giselle: What? I thought you said this was going to be simple!

Monomoth: It is! Don't worry too much about the sharks, we had our interns test the challenges before we started the show!

Annette: Where are they now?

Monomoth: Uh... (scene momentarily cuts to a bunch of interns in the hospital covered in bandages and on life support. Scene cuts back to Monomoth and the others) ... They're doing fine, they just need some... tune up.

Sam: This challenge should be easy! I've jumped off high ledges before, some even higher than this!

Doc: And I've tried to stop you from jumping off said ledges. You almost jumped into a tank of sharks once because someone dared you too.

Sam: It would've been a free fifty bucks!

(Confessional: Faust)

Faust: This Sam fellow from what I've heard is too impulsive and reckless. I can already tell it's going to be trouble dealing with him. If he wants to stay on this team, he better get his act together!

(Confessional ends)

Monomoth: Before you start, each member on a team that jumps gives that team a higher chance to win pull crates! You're going to want those as you'll all need to take crates back to the campgrounds filled with supplies you'll need to build a hot tub for the second part of the challenge. (Maria goes to speak) Don't worry if you've never built a hot tub before, there are instructions inside. (Maria closes her mouth) One final thing, whoever jumps first has to have their whole team follow. Okay, that is all, have fun!

Sylvia: Alright, who's going first? (silence, crickets chirp) Guessing by the crickets, no one wants to.

Viktor: Well, you did ask first, so why don't you jump?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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