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Deep down in Pantala, dragons aged 7 years old were about to undergo a mandatory scan to see if one of them had animus magic. It was a very quick scan, just a talon-held device pointed at a dragon that would show on a screen if they're animus or not. They also usually did a quick test and asked the animus to make a pen float or something, from what Crayfish had heard.

Crayfish was surprised when he saw there were only a few 7 year old dragons here to do the test. He had expected over 75 or something, but there were only about 25 of them.

He and his friends were almost at the end of the line, so they would have to wait for a little while. But everyone was expected to be sitting still and quiet. Of course though, many of them were whispering to each other about the possibility of being animus.

Crayfish observed his friends' expressions. Snowdrop looked excited and her tail twitched. Maybe she was hoping to be animus. Opifex was calm, as always. He's probably just waiting for his turn to come. And lastly Hoatzin, he seemed anxious while fidgeting with his claws. He was almost always like this, but Crayfish and their friends would support him.

''Do you guys think anyone will be revealed to be animus?'' Crayfish asked, trying to start a conversation.

''Maybe,'' Opifex whispered.

''I think so! I have a gut feeling that someone...'' Snowdrop said out loud, but then lowered her voice when a dragon shushed her.

''What do you think, Hoatzin?'' Crayfish added.

''Um,'' Hoatzin spoke quietly, ''I don't know.''

''I don't think anyone is an animus here, because they're pretty rare,'' Crayfish whispered back.

''If I remember correctly, there are two animuses in the whole organisation,'' Opifex stated.

''Here comes your turn, Crayfish!'' Snowdrop whispered loudly.

As the LeafWing infront of him held the machine towards his body, Crayfish felt many eyes laying on him.

Alright. Stay cool, Crayfish.

He waited patiently for the LeafWing to announce if he was animus. Even if he looked completely relaxed on the outside, his heart was pounding in his chest. The longer he waited, the faster his heartrate got.

Crayfish kind of hoped to be animus, though he knew MudWings didn't have that ability. Imagine all the things he could create with such power! He could make a super cool device that could solve problems for you or a robot that could create whatever meal you wanted! Ah, that sounded so good.

Then the LeafWing interrupted his thoughts.


Oh well. I mean, I knew I wasn't animus, but still, Crayfish thought.

Now it was Snowdrop's turn. She could actually be animus, because she is half IceWing. But then again, both her mother and her sister don't have that power, so its very unlikely that she has it. She appeared to be delighted for being scanned. Crayfish thought that was kind of weird, but maybe that's her coping mechanism against being nervous. Smiling and all excited. Yeah, now that he thought about it, that made more sense.

''Clear,'' The LeafWing said. Snowdrop gave an exhale of relief.

Next up was Opifex. He kept calm the entire time the scan happened.

How does he do it? How does he remain so calm? Maybe because he knows he can't be animus, because he's a HiveWing, Crayfish guessed.

''Clear,'' The LeafWing said again.

And finally it was Hoatzin's turn. Though he is partly NightWing, Crayfish didn't think that he would be an animus. If he was, he's pretty sure that Hoatzin would've used it to get rid of his anxiety.

The LeafWing looked on the screen that's on the device. His bored expression became into a surprised one when he announced, ''You're an animus!''

Crayfish's jaw dropped. He also heard gasps from Snowdrop and some other dragons in the line, as well as more shocked whispering. He looked around and could tell everyone was flabbergasted. Even Opifex's calm appearance changed to a staggered look. Hoatzin seemed absolutely horror-struck.

''Can you demand this... clipboard to float?'' The LeafWing asked, grabbing a random item from a desk behind him.

Hoatzin took a step forward timidly and started speaking.

''I demand for this clipboard to start floating upwards.''

And there it was, a clipboard slowly rising towards the roof from the floor of the room.

More gasps and murmuring happened in the crowd, and Hoatzin looked like he was about to burst into tears. 

Crayfish thought for a moment that someone who just found out that they're animus should be happy, but then that opinion quickly changed when he watched Hoatzin get dragged away by guards and being put a handcuff on his wrist.

''Hoatzin! Where is he going!?'' Opifex yelled at the LeafWing.

''Relax, he's just going to a place for animus dragons. He'll be fine,'' The LeafWing replied.

Opifex started arguing some more with him, but then he got kicked out of the room. Snowdrop and Crayfish followed him out, as everyone started leaving the room as well.

''We can't just let them take Hoatzin away like that!'' Opifex barked.

''Poor Hoatzin... I hope he's not to scared,'' Snowdrop worried.

Crayfish sighed. ''What do we do now?''

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