Chapter 21

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Extremely long chapter 😩😩

Alex's POV

It's been two weeks that she quit, two weeks of extra work for me, two weeks of hell and torture

The whole office has been too quiet for my liking since she left, I don't even know what to do, I hardly sleep, guilt has been eating at me ever since she left.

Her tears stricken face haunting my dreams every night, I regret it all.
Ever lashing out on her, especially in front of the whole office.

After the whole incident I was later able to reach my therapist and we had a rather really long talk

She asked me to go apologize to her but I don't even know how to or where to begin.
I'm afraid she won't even want to listen.


"Alex is there something you want to tell me" my therapist asks looking at me intently.

"Yes" I breath out raking my hands through my hair "I think I have fucked up beyond redemption" i tell her

She looks at skeptically "what did you do"?

"Before I say what I did, I need to start first by telling you what happened, Tony called me yesterday and told me Anna had given birth" I swallow the lump in throat

"Okay that's good new" she says with a smile.

"Yes it is, except I didn't take it with good faith, it messed with me really bad to the point that I almost had a panic attack" I explain to her

"But I was able to contain it but that's not the issue, the problem is I might have said some things to my PA that I regret" I say relaxing back on the couch.

I don't wanna go into details and tell her my PA is the same person that has been getting under my skin the past months.

"Okay, do you wanna talk about it"? She asks with concern.

I shake my head "no I don't think I want to repeat them again, but just know they were really bad and humiliating and I regret it" I breath out.

"Well apologize to her" she says matter of fact

"That's where the problem lies, she quit" I sigh

"Well can't you call her and apologize over the phone" she asks me

"No I don't think that will help me, I feel terrible just thinking about the things I said, I think I need to see her face to face but I don't know where I can see her" I explain.

"Well if you really want to redeem yourself, you'll look for a way to reach her, you know I've always talked to you about letting Anna push you past your limits, now you've not only put yourself in stress you've hurt someone else's feelings" she tells me accusingly.

"I know and I hate myself for it, but I guess you're right, I'm gonna look for a way to apologise to her" I say.

She's right I need to apologise to Sage and redeem myself.

*End of flashback*

Now I'm trying to get her address or number, just something to reach her but I was at a dead end.

I am in my office trying to work but my mind was just too occupied that I can't even Concentrate.

This is frustrating, I'm still trying to gather my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door, I looked up surprise, who might that be

The only person that used to always knock was no longer here, I just mutter a 'come in' let's see who it is.

The door pushed open and that Auburn hair lady, Clair I think that was her name walked in holding a few paperworks with her.

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