New Student

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"Peter, Harper! You're going to be late!" Aunt May shouted, into the long hallway.

I roll out of bed with a groan. But when I stand up to stretch, my hand hits the ceiling.

"What in the?" I think out loud.

"Ow!" I go to open the door but I accidentally rip the handle right out of the door! After I get the door open I sprint to Peter's room.

"Whoa! When did you get muscles?" I ask. 

"When did you get abs?" he counters.

I looked down and saw my shirt was tucked into my sports bra, showing my new six-pack. I put a hand on my stomach, feeling my now-defined abdomen. "Okay, what is going on!"

Then my neck starts to itch, I scratch it and feel something sticky over a bump. I pulled it off. It was... a spider web? "Ew." I hold it up to show Peter but something shoots out of my wrist, luckily he ducks. 

"AHHHH!" we both yell.

It stuck to the wall but I ripped it off. Some of it retracted back into my wrist, and some stayed in my hand. I held it up. "WHAT THE FU-" I begin but get cut off. 

"Harper and Peter get your asses down here now before you're both later than late!" shouts Aunt May.

"Oh fu-"

Time skip

"Mr. and Ms.Parker glad you decided to join us," said Mr.Williams.

We keep our heads down as we walk to our seats. 

We are about 7 minutes into the lesson when the door opens, and our principal Mr.Morita walks in with someone behind him, "Hello, sorry to interrupt." he apologizes. 

"Hello Mr.Morita, it is quite alright. Ah, and you must be our new student!" says Mr.Williams.

"Yup! All yours!" he replies cheerfully.

New student?

"Why don't you come into the light and introduce yourself," he says as Mr.Morita sneaks out of the classroom.

They walk up in front of the class, and oh my god is she beautiful. She has raven black hair and soft blue eyes, she has a sort of pale face, with a couple of cuts. I wonder why.

But she has perfectly pink tinted lips they look soft, and she smiles. She looks like she's glowing, as I'm studying her features Peter nudges me, "Dude you're practically drooling!" he whisper-yells.

As I wipe my face I look over to my right side, as Peter is on my left, it's empty. One part of my mind is like SWEET!  But the other part is like Oh no.

Why did she have to come on the absolute weirdest day of my life!?

"Hello, my name is Kate, and my favorite color's purple," Ah Kate what a pretty name. "... and I don't know what else to say," she says with a slightly nervous chuckle.

"Alright well, welcome Kate you can take any empty seat."

I look over at Flash. He has an empty seat next to him.

"Hey, pretty girl! Why don't you come sit by me, ha!" he laughs with his friends.

But to my surprise, she walks over to me. I look back over at Flash and he looks furious, and his friends start, Oohing him.

"Hey," she said. 

"Hi," I say back.

"Can I sit here?" she asks, oh boy.

"Yeah, sure."


Time skip

Saving You - Kate BishopWhere stories live. Discover now