Thrills of Packing

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(A/N: I literally spent 3 minutes straight trying to find a tittle. Why did I go with that one? Good question. Please enjoy cat Xiao with Halo!) 

The night before the departure was a little nerve wracking. Lily couldn't sleep. Xiao soothed her into bed. "You need to rest, my darling". Lily pouted "But Xiao! I can't sleep!". He chuckled and kissed her forehead. Just like Lily had a way of getting him to sleep he too had one. 

Xiao cuddles next to Lily and gently takes her head onto his chest. She could hear his heartbeat. Something that would not only calm her, but lull her to sleep. He combs through her hair while he watches her drift off to sleep. "Sleep my sunshine".

A soft dream came. One of her family all together. A faint wish that'll never come true. Lily knew this would never come true, but it doesn't hurt to wish right? Even if it won't come true. "Lily are you ready?". She blinks. Where is she? 

A mirror was out in front of her showing her wearing a wedding dress. 'Huh?' she thought. A floral wedding veil draped behind her. "Lily?". She turns and sees Ganyu along with Yanfei and her mom with her. 'What's going on?' she thought. "Getting second thoughts?" chucked Yanfei.

She shook her head. "No, never. Just feeling nervous". 'Those aren't my words!' Lily thought. Ganyu comes over. "No need to be nervous. It's your big day". Lily watched in third person as the others along with her spoke. 'It's a big day my dear'. 

Guizhong floats over. 'You look so beautiful, my flower'. Lily smiles "Thank you". The door to wherever opened. The dream shifts. Lily is holding onto Zhongli as he walks her down the aisle. Xiao was at the other end giving her a big smile. The dream ends there as she feels herself wake up.

(A/N: A sneak peak of the wedding?! Who knows~!)

Xiao greeted her. "Have a nice dream?" he asked. "Uh, yeah. I don't remember it though. Oh, she did. Every second of it. "That's good. I'll get us some breakfast before we leave". He leaves the room. A dream about her wedding? They have barely planned for it. 

So, having a dream made her want to daydream about her wedding. Xiao returns with food and sees her in a daze. "Flower?". He walks over. "We should have an Almond cake". Xiao blinks. "I don't recommend cake for breakfast, my love".

Lily snaps out of her daze. Her face flushed a little. "Ah...yeah you're right". 'Did I say that out loud?!' she thought. Though, Almond cake for a wedding cake sounds good. Xiao would like it as well. The two eat breakfast and wait until Aether arrives. 

They've already packed and put it in Lily's little dimensional storage. That thing can keep a ton of things in there. While they ate Halo came out. It flew up to Lily's cheek to give it a little peck, and then happily floated over and sat on Xiao's head.

Halo likes perching itself on either Xiao or Lily's head. Xiao gives Halo a little pet before getting up and returning the plates to Yanxiao. Lily wanted to check their luggage for the fourth time this morning. She doesn't want to leave anything

Even if they can easily teleport to and from their destination. She wants to enjoy this trip and not have to rely on her power. The one thing she will do is to keep Xiao as calm as possible. Lily knows he doesn't like crowds of humans and that's literally what Monstadt is.

So she's made a plan and several breaks throughout the day. She doesn't want to be cooped up in the Inn every day. (That's literally what she does everyday. She lives in an Inn!) Aether has planned for some meet and greets with the locals. Also, some surprises in store for them! Xiao also has one planned for him and Lily. This vacation will be fun! 

A/N: Hi Everyone! How are you? Xiao's new outfit for this trip will be revealed next chapter as well as Lily's! It's mid-summer so Lily will have something like that. I wanted to give Xiao another outfit for many reasons. I'm thinking about doing some mini relationships on the side like Xingqiu x Chongyun, Ganyu x someone, and some others. What mini relationships would you guys like to see? I'd love to do a chapter just on a little double date in the future! (lol seeing Xiao get dating advice sounds funny) Next chapter will be out mid-next week. They'll be arriving in Monstadt then! 

See you soon! 


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