Part 9

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Left off from part 8 Stella and kelly get the twins ready to go to the firehouse and meet everyone
"Hey Stella next week if your fine with it do you mind if I go to shift a few times like 2-3 times"
"Of course I am ok with it kelly the next week I am in the all good to go back"
Stella, kelly and the baby twins arrive at the firehouse and Brett is the first to go to them
"Hey Brett"
"How are you feeling, how are the babies, how is life as a mom"
"I am doing good, the babies are ok, and life as a mom is the best but hard at the same time"
Stella and kelly stay at the firehouse for around a hour and then all units are called to a fire at a school
"Hey Stella do you think that now is the best time to leave the babies need a nap"
"Ya your right I will ask Kylie to let everyone know when they get back"
Later when stella and kelly get back to their apartment kelly tells stella that he will wait to go back to work till she can go back
"Hey stella I was thinking that I will wait till you go back to work for me to go back to work"
"Ok kelly"
____________________________________ two weeks later both stella and kelly have their first day back since the babies where born
"Hey stella are you ready to go back to work"
"Hell ya I am I missed being truck Lieutenant"
" and I miss being squad lieutenant and bossing Tony and chap around"
Stella and kelly walk towards the fire house and onto the app floor and Brett and Matt are the first to see them
"Stella your back"
"Hey Brett"
" hey guys welcome back am de you not leave ing soon right"
"Yes Matt ,both me and Kelly are back for a while"
"Ok that's good because I need to get back to Portland"
Hey sorry this took a while to post I have had a busy week and it's almost the end of the year I have 19 days left including weekends till my last day of school then it's summer for me and I won't be able to write as much in the summer because I will have three weeks with no phone because of the summer camps I am going to but I will write as often as I can

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