Found But Still Lost

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"How strange..."

"How disgusting."


Your body slowly understood the fact that you weren't hallucinating, and were actually in an infinite void of white nothingness. As your eyes cleared, your brain slowly began processing the events that led you here.

Oh, right. There were no events.

You sat up, looking around. Everything was the same, everything was white. It was giving you a headache. You couldn't remember much. Of course, you knew your life before this, however, the moments that brought you here were all fuzzy.

You heard sudden grumbling from behind you. Like a deep laughter.

"So you're awake..."

You spun around, coming face to face with a unknown skeleton. He looked a lot like your Sans. Did he have another brother?

"Where am I?!" You asked, rather hurriedly, somehow knowing this skeleton would have the answers. He looked like someone of authority and power.

He chuckled, again, as if mocking you. "You're in the anti-void, human. Where else would you be? Don't you know how you got here?"

You looked around once more, as if doubted the scenery. You had no idea what this 'anti-void' was, but it sounded bad. He didn't sound like a nice guy either. You missed Sans.

"I don't remember much..." you looked away, unsure of whether to say more. You didn't necessarily trust this guy.

"That's impossible! How can a human enter the anti-void and not remember it! You're clearly lying! Do you take me as a fool?!" He got right up in your face and yelled, his eyes dilating. You leaned back, positive he was going to hurt you.

"N-no! I really don't remember! I'm sure it'll come back!"

He was silent for a few moments. As if studying you for lies. "What's your name..?" It sounded more like a demand.

"Y/N...what's yours?" You were almost too scared to ask!

"You don't know who I am?!" He sneered, seemingly insulted. "I am Error! God of destruction! Millions fear me, and you don't know who I am?!"

Your heart was racing. You were really off to a rough start, getting on this Error's bad side. Especially if he was this powerful.

"I'm sorry. I'm from Earth. We are still getting used to monsters roaming the streets, never mind gods of destruction." You half-joked, hoping he had the same personality like Sans.

He didn't.

"Earth...You're not an anomaly?" He shook his head, looking at you confused.


"You wouldn't understand. You're not a glitch, therefore you wouldn't know my existence." He sighed, rubbing his temple and relaxing a bit. He seemed more annoyed than angry now.

"Uh...why would I be a glitch?" That part concerned you. What monsters and humans were glitches? Were they destroyed?

"I don't have time for this, you're a mortal. Go back to where you came." Error dismissed you, rather rudely. Waving you off with his hand. He then sat on some sort of magical couch and ignored you.

Identity Unknown (Error Sans x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora