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Yet another day in the void.

Was it a day? The concept of time was uncanny here.

How long had it actually been since you stumbled into the anti-void? Was it just hours? Or maybe days? Or maybe time moved a lot faster and it had been weeks or months since you disappeared.

That worried you the most. Maybe time had passed so much in your world that everyone would start to forget about you. They would all go through the circle of life while you were stuck in limbo. Your worst fear was to be forgotten. Soon, they would start families and create new memories without you.

And you would be stuck here thinking about it.

Why had this happened to you? You hadn't done anything wrong. You hadn't done anything to deserve this.

But somehow, the universe decided this fate for you. This was what you got for being a nice person. And people like Error and Nightmare never receive consequences for their actions. No. For some reason, you're the one who pays.

Rage stirred in your stomach. You tried to readjust your thoughts to something else. Anything else. But there was nothing to look forward to. You were doomed to suffer here alone for eternity.

You slumped onto the floor. Pleading for some escape. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you squeezed your eyes shut.
All you wished for was some peaceful sleep. Hopefully then, you'd be able to see your happy world and all your friends again. It was the only way to be remembered again.


"Y/N, where have you been? You've had me very worried!" Toriel frowned as she brought me into a hug. I basked in her warmth, almost unfamiliar with the feeling.

"...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

I hugged her tighter. I didn't want to let go.

"Please don't do that again. Everyone was looking for you." Toriel pulled away, still holding me, and patting my hair.

"Everyone?" I asked, insecurely.

Toriel chuckled and put her arms back. Suddenly, she stepped aside and I saw all of my friends waiting for me behind her. They all looked so happy and concerned for me.

"hey, kid. heard you went through some pretty bone-rattling stuff. we're here for you, if you wanna talk."

I chuckled at the pun. Sans always had his ways to make me smile. It was so heartwarming to see everyone gathered here for me. Even Undyne was here! And I thought she hated me!

I continued laughing, getting a good look at Sans' face. Until I noticed something...off.

Soon enough, everyone's faces around me had warped and turned into some kind of demonic stare. I backed away, somewhat startled and unsure if this was a prank.

"We've been waiting for you, Y/N."

I shuttered. Sans' voice had dropped drastically and the environment around me turned blood red.

"Why did you leave us?" Toriel chimed in, her voice also unfamiliar.

"Please, stop."

They each took a step closer to me, their heads dangling to the side. I stood horrified. I just wanted to leave.

"Why did you leave us?!" Toriel screamed. I covered my ears and shut my eyes, begging to wake up from this nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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