Chapter 11 - Attack of the demon pigeons

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"Right!" Tantalus announced, his hand sneaking up on a pastry. Unsurprisingly, it saw him coming and dashed across his plate, causing him to nearly fall over as he lunged for it. "You all know the rules," he snapped at us as we lined up our chariots and his pastry made a run for it. "A quarter-mile track. Twice around to win. Two horses per chariot. Each team will consist of a driver and a fighter. Weapons are allowed. Dirty tricks are expected. But try not to kill anybody! Any killing will result in harsh punishment. No s'mores at the campfire for a week! Now ready your chariots!"

I scoffed as Eli and I boarded our chariot. Tantalus would throw a party if any of us died. He'd probably kill us himself if it could allow him to eat something.

We lined up, the other chariots pulling up beside mine. I'd managed to get us on the inside of the track so all the other chariots were on my right. Hephaestus was directly beside me, then Poseidon, Hermes, Apollo and Ares. If I managed to get a good start, there was no way any one could catch me.

The pigeons were screeching louder now, their eyes glinting strangely. I could see Percy eyeing them nervously also, but I pushed the thought out of my mind. I'd have plenty of time to wonder what they were after I won.

"Charioteers!" Tantalus yelled, struggling to make himself heard over the pigeons. "Attend your mark!"

I gripped the reins tighter in my hands and fixed my eyes on the flag set high above us. It was raised high, but as a watched, tensed up, it dropped.

"Ya!" I yelled, flicking the reins.

The horses sprang forward, tossing their heads and straining at the cords lashing them to the chariot. We shot forward, straight out in front and began thundering along the track. I angled slightly to the right, cutting off the Hephaestus chariot and causing it to slow slightly or risk crashing into my back.

"Hey!" yelled Beckendorf indignantly, straining to control his bronze horses.

"Yeah, man!" Eli whooped, pumping his hands in the air.

I heard a horrible crack! from behind, but didn't dare look over my shoulder to see what it was. I need all my concentration to control the pegasus and keep them running straight. Fortunately, Eli wasn't as hampered as me.

"Hermes and Apollo just took each other out!" he informed me excitedly. "This is so cool! See ya!" he yelled at someone.

"Where's Percy?" I yelled back.

"He's coming second. Ares is behind him. Oh, look! Hephaestus is about to take him out!"

I gritted my teeth as I concentrated on turning around the first post. Risking a look back, I saw Tyson shove the Hephaestus chariot away with a pole, nearly knocking them over. Percy was grinning as he bent over the reins, gradually catching up to us.

I cursed and even Eli looked worried. He took up his javelin and was preparing to throw when the screaming started.

I was so startled I nearly upturned the chariot as I swung around to look. The pigeons had left their roost at the trees and were dive-bombing the campers in the stands, creating mass panic. Campers were running all over the place, birds swarming over them and tearing at their exposed skin.

Beckendorf's chariot had been attacked too, causing him to veer off course and crash into the strawberry fields. Even Clarisse was being attacked, but she'd thrown a camouflage net over the chariot, keeping the worse of the birds away.

The only reason why the Poseidon and Athena chariots hadn't been attacked yet was because we were so far ahead. But birds were coming after us now and as they grew closer, I recognized them. I wanted to slap my myself for not realizing what they were sooner.

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