Chapter 36 - Percy and Clarisse become friends?

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I woke up with Percy drooling on my shoulder. He still had his arms wrapped around my waist and his head lay on my shoulder, his hair tickling my neck. If he was awake, it would have been uncomfortable, but at the moment, I was content to let him sleep. He was as exhausted as I felt.

I sat up a bit, the Fleece slipping off my shoulders. I'd almost forgotten it was there as it had finished its healing magic while I slept. I felt no pain whatsoever from my ribs or head, and actually felt better than I had since the quest started.

Looking around, I saw that we were nearing a beachside highway with a city skulking behind it. Palm trees and storefronts were spread out before us, accompanied by sailboats and cruise ships in the harbour.

"Finally, land," Grover breathed beside me.

I turned to see him awake, clinging desperately to his hippocampus. He was soaked and miserable looking. He probably hadn't had any sleep either. Not far away, Clarisse and Tyson were both sitting upright also, although the daughter of Ares didn't look impressed about having the Cyclops behind her.

I was going to let Percy sleep a bit longer when my hippocampus reined up, neighing unhappily. He spun in circles, the other two copying him. Percy was the best one to deal with them, I decided.

"Percy, wake up." I splashed some water in his face, which dried instantly, and shook his shoulder.

He blinked blearily, shaking his head as he pushed himself upright. He looked around, brow furrowed in confusion.

I anticipated what he was going to ask. "Miami, I think. But the hippocampi are acting funny."

"This is as far as they'll take us," he said, after doing his weird mind trick he did with underwater creatures. He thought that no one could see him doing it, but I could. His eyes would get all dazed and his tongue would poke out a bit. It was amusing. "Too many humans. Too much pollution. We'll have to swim to shore on our own."

I wasn't very enthusiastic about that. But I didn't complain as I slid off my steed and into the water, Percy following me. Tyson cried a bit as he fed Rainbow a soggy mango and hugged him.

The hippocampi jumped in the air and dived underwater, racing away from us as the waves formed wakes around them. I felt sad to see them go. They were handy transport units.

It didn't take us long to swim ashore as the waves were at our backs. We had to walk along the beach in our soaking clothes, getting weird looks from the people around us. Fortunately I was used to that. The same thing happened to Grover, Percy and I last year.

The Mist had taken affect as soon as we arrived at the beach. Tyson's eye blurred into two and the Fleece had transformed into a red-and-gold high school letter jacket with a glittery Omega on the pocket. Grover had also put on his cap and sneakers.

I spotted a newspaper stand as we walked along and ran to it. Seizing the first edition of the Miami Herald I could, I searched for the date and cursed. "June eighteenth! We've been away from camp ten days!"

"That's impossible!" Clarisse exclaimed.

That showed how much experience she had with places of the ancient world. Time ran differently there.

"Thalia's tree must be almost dead," Grover moaned. "We have to get the Fleece back tonight."

Clarisse plopped down on the pavement defeatedly. In all the years I've known her, I've never seen her looking as despondent as she did now. I felt sorry for her. "How are we supposed to that? We're hundreds of miles away. No money. No ride. This is just like the Oracle said. It's your fault, Jackson. If you hadn't interfered -"

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