Crimson and Clover

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Name Eleanor, Fluff and SMUT🔞❗️❗️❗️❗️

also i made the picture at the top🤭

when i first moved in i was in a troubled state of mind, my mother and family didn't accept me as a person because of my sexuality.
so i had to get my own apartment in the same city/state/town as my family because even tho they don't love me enough to help me or even to accept me. i still love them but not much.
anyway it's been nice in this apartment it's 2015 and my parents are living in the past i was walking the streets when i turned the corner to go back home. i was met with a note that said in summary 'get your shit and leave' i was shocked to say the least i mean why..first my family technically well they DID disown me and now this..
tell me this is a bad dream.
now i'm on the streets on my phone listening to my music as always, music helps me when no one else can. i just got paid today and i wanted to go to a book store because i don't want to just be on my phone all the damn time.
as i'm walking to the store i see a crowd of people me being in New York it was probably someone street dancing of some shit tbh i just wanted to get a book. so i keep walking, i'm in the book store looking at the ones about celebrities and this one stuck out to me because androgynous by Joan Jett was playing in my earbuds and it was a book about the runaways i picked it up so see what the back had on it, sometimes when i'm listening to music i start humming or sing a few words. 'don't get him wrong and don't get him mad, he might be a father but he sure ain't a dad' happens to be a line that i relate to so i sing it out loud. i then feel a tap on my shoulder "what song are you singing?" i hear, it was a voice that you can't forget it was like whiskey and smooth 'oh my god, it's Joan Jett.' i say in my head i turn red and turn around praying i don't fold at the hottie in-front of me. "umm...Androgynous by Joan Jett, have you heard of her?" i say jokingly "no i haven't heard is she good" she looks me dead in the eye's with a smirk "oh she's the best! you should really check her out" i tell her with a grin she laughs a little bit 'god i never want to look away' "you a fan?" "yes i am honestly it's really cool that you are talking to me not to be weird." she gives me a look thats comforting "oh don't worry it's all good hun" my knees almost gave out.. "i'm Eleanor it's really nice to meet you!" i tell her with a smile. "i'm Joan but you already know that" we share a quick laugh and we talk for a little bit like music and other things. out of nowhere i blurt out "you are really pretty" i instantly turn red and want to be shot with a sniper.
she laughs a little "thank you hun, you're not bad yourself" she replies with a smirk SOMEBODY PINCH ME OR PUNCH ME EITHER ONE i blush "would you like to talk some more?" she asks "yes please" i say a little to fast and she gives a quick laugh. Eleanor the woman of your dreams wants to talk more..Good luck and DONT.FUCK.IT.UP. we talk the whole day away "you are really something Eleanor, you are a fan but you treat/talk to me like i'm just a friend a normal not famous person and i really appreciate that" "of course i mean yeah you are a inspiration but fame isn't you, if you understand" she smiles and says "yes i do, i knew there was something i liked about you" you smiled "also if you don't mind why do you have a duffel bag with you?" "oh right so my apartment complex shut down for some reason so i had to get my stuff from there" she looks at me with concern "so you don't have a place to stay is what i'm hearing?" "well yeah but nothing a hotel can't fix" i reply with a small laugh trying to lift the mood and she looks at me with a straight face "would you like to say a few nights at mine, i wouldn't mind" my heart skips a beat "i don't wanna be a both-" "no please come to my place for a couple nights hotels are gross here" "ok then i will stay at yours"
day 1 we hung out a little and got to know each other more
day 2 we talked about my family and why i had a apartment in the first place
day 3 was different we just sat in silence doing our own thing
day 4 we walked around the beach together
well her being a celebrity little did we know we would be the cover of a magazine with the title 'Joan with a new Lover?' i saw it on my way back from work bought it then went to Joan's house "hey hot stuff how was work?" she says as i walk in "it was good we weren't busy also on my way home i found this" i tell her as i sit down and hand her the magazine "i'm so sorry you have to go through this Eleanor." she looks at me with guilt "it's not your fault" i tell her.
day 5 was cool we chilled on the couch and watched movies
on day 6 she called me up to her room and asked me a question "what's your thoughts on the magazine" "if you mean am i mad then no but if you mean something else then idk" i say "well that and how did it make you feel when you saw that?" "to be honest i was shocked that people would think that you would even date me i mean look at me then you not saying that you are bad looking but i don't know i guess people might think that you could do better if i'm going to be honest" she looked at me "are you saying you don't think you could get with me?" i turned red "i mean ye-well no- i don't know" i say in defeat. she laughs "don't worry i'm just joking..well kinda you're hot im gonna be honest" you turn so fucking red it's embarrassing "oh..well thank you Joan" you smile she walks over to me "are you nervous Eleanor?" she says as she gets in-front of me.
yes. "no" i stutter she puts her hands on my waist and gets close to my ears "then why are you stuttering Eleanor?" she says as she walks behind me and whispers "i see how you look at me when i get done with my shower in a towel" i start breathing hard "just looking at you" she laughs "all of me" she says and at this point i've been so focused on her and that damn voice that i haven't realized she had pushed me to the foot of her bed "i know you like me Eleanor maybe even love me" she says she then pushes me on the bed i land face first on the bed and Joan is right behind me "can i touch you Eleanor" i whimper "please" she then puts her hand on my lower back and her groin is right on my ass "Joan" i whisper "what is it baby, never had a girl before?" "no i haven't" "just say stop and i will hun" she says as she walks over to her drawer she pulls out a strap A FUCKING STRAP. JOAN JETT PULLED OUT THE STRAP she walks back to me and leans on my back to get to my ear and says "take your pants off pretty" i feel her stand up and so do i. i take my clothes off and am only in panties and a bra Joan is in the same "you're so sexy Joan" i say but it comes out as more of a moan "i can say the same about you  Eleanor" we start making out slowly well soon we are aggressively making out tongues intertwined moaning you name it we are doing it she takes my bra off and smiles "god" she breaths she goes for them and is kissing on one and playing with the other as she does that i put my hands in her hair and whimper her name

'run your fingers through my hair'

after a few minutes of that i'm back on the foot of the bed with her behind me with..the strap.
"Eleanor we don't have to do this if you don't want to" "i want this please Joan, more than anything please fuck me" she smirks "oh we are begging now i see" she says as she lines up with my entrance "oh please for the love of god fuck me Joan" i say as she thrusts it inside of me "oh fuck" i moan out "you like it huh?" she says as she fucks me fast "god yes Joan just like that fuck" i moan out "got you sound so fucking hot" she moans out "god" i whine "fuck i feel so fucking close" i whimper "oh yeah?" she says and she fucks me harder i'm a moaning mess under her "cum baby cum on me" she says and she smacks my ass "oh Joan" i moan loud as the knot in my stomach breaks "let it out yeah" she says as she lets me ride out my high she pulls out of me takes off the strap whilst i'm still on the bed panting "you ok honey?" she asks "fan-fucking-tastic" i say. she lays on she bed "come here" i do as i'm told and lay next to her on my side. she copies my movements and we are now laying in bed next to one another
"that was amazing Joan" i breath out she then looks at me and then she kisses me softly "you did so good hunny" i feel myself blush "idk why but i feel like this is how it's supposed to be" "i feel the same way Eleanor, i know we've only known each other for a week but I love you"

'now i don't hardly know her, but i think i can love her...'

"will you be my girlfriend Eleanor" she asks with her eyes on mine and her hand on my waist i blush "i would love to be your girlfriend Joan" we kiss "also that means you sleep with me and forget about saving up for a new place because as long as i'm alive you will have me" i start to tear up because i've never felt so much love in my life "i love you Joan" "i love you too Eleanor" we get under the covers and fall asleep cuddled up together...

'crimson and clover......'
'over and over'

Joan Jett oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora