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One thing was for sure, Morgan was glad she didn't have to tell Jackson that his only son was dead. The spell that bound his life with Morgan's had worked like a charm, and would remain that way until she ever met the true death. At first, Sam didn't know how to feel about his mate being a vampire, especially with their current vampire issues, but new knowledge informed them that Hep-V doesn't affect four-fanged vampires like it does with two-fanged. Which meant there was a chance for a cure, but they needed a scientist for that, and none of them were equipped with that kind of knowledge. Sure, Morgan may have been the smartest woman in Bon Temps but she wasn't a scientist,

"Great Mother." Morgan said ". . I think I know where the infected vampires are." standing from her seat, looking at the others "What is the one place that was made light tight? The one place that shields vampires from the sun, except for when the front door is opened?"

"Fang-fucking-tasia." Pam muttered dryly

"My bar?" Eric asked, anger in his voice "I thought you put wards around it?" looking at his mate

"You told me not to." Morgan shrugged "Especially since you said it was a worthless piece of shit that was never going to get used again because of Hep-V going around." causing him to grow silent at her true words "At least everyone isn't panic-buying toilet paper."

"Okay, so how many of these fuckers are we up against?" Violet asked

"Fifteen, maybe." Sookie replied "I can't be sure, could be more."

"Ain't anyone else coming?" Sam asked

"We called every uninfected vampire we know." Bill replied "The only two who responded were Michael and -- " pointing to a vampire

"Keith." he informed

"He's my drummer." James added "My guitar and bass tapped out."

"Yeah, and I still haven't heard from Willa." Jessica added

"So, this is it." Bill said "This is our group."

The doors to the Compton House opened, causing those in the living room to stand, watching as Morgan walked in, the grays behind her and the other four-fanged vampires behind them.

"Your group just got a whole lot bigger." Morgan smiled

"That's what I'm fucking talking about." Jason said, his eyes wide, looking at the thirteen added vampires, four witches, two werewolves, two werepanthers and a shapeshifter

"Us witches will be able to place a ward around Fangtasia's property . ." Monroe informed

"Preventing the infected vampires from exiting. ." Maddox added

"It can be held long enough for us to kill them all." Morgan finished "But . . We can storm through the front door, or . ."

"There's the other way." Eric added


The witches stood in front of Fangtasia, Morgan looking at the building for a moment, a small smile forming on her lips,

"What's that smile for?" Monroe asked, looking at the young witch

"This is where I first met Eric." she informed "He had longer hair then."

"Let's get to work, ladies." Maddox said, smiling slightly

Mason stood on Morgan's left, Maddox at Monroe's right, leaving the women in the middle, who were a little stronger. Their hands rose, fingertips touching as they closed their eyes, slightly raising their heads.

"Guardians of the Divine." Monroe said

"Goddess Hecate, I call to thee." Mason said

"Great Mother, I call to thee." Maddox said

"Powers of the Divine." Morgan said

"A spell of safety here we cast, let no evil come to pass." speaking in unison "A shield before us and behind. To right and left, protection bind. Four as one, so shall it be. Four as one, blessed be."

Morgan opened her eyes, watching as the shield lowered itself in front of them, surrounding the property of Fangtasia, a smirk forming on her lips as Sam shifted into a rat before going into the tunnel that was in the basement of Fangtasia.

"I hate humans." Mason grumbled

Before Morgan and the others step in to help, six humans drive up to the bar and threw a Molotov cocktail inside, which caused some time burn while trying to exit, only to be shot with wooden bullets. Two humans -- from what Morgan saw -- lost their lives, and now, the infected vampires were fighting the uninfected. A wind strike threw Vince away from Jessica, who was somehow chained to the floor, Morgan hurrying over to her, removing the silver from over her neck,

"I've had enough of this shit." Morgan said "Join hands, now."

The grays didn't question her, hurrying over toward Morgan, clasping their hands together, which caused Jessica to shoot up, quickly removing Keith and Michael from the scene before them.

"Sister Sun, we call to thee!" the woman with white hair called out "Reveal to us your burning light!"

The sunstone lot up on command, rays from the sun shooting out, the infected vampires screaming in pain as they were burned, while the ones who wore rings were not. After a moment, the infected burst into a pile of goo, a huff emitting from Morgan as the rays from the stone went back into its holder. They released their hold, glad that the infected were gone and out of their lives,

"Don't even think about asking me to tell Zeus to clean up this mess." pointing to Eric, who closed his mouth "I will not allow him to consume tainted meat, Kärlek, I will not."

"Very well." the vampire replied

"But I will help you clean up." she assured, then looked at the others "Head back to the house and help yourselves to whatever food I have. I'll return soon and help you find more permanent living arrangements."

"Thank you, sister." Monroe smiled

The lot of them liberated a truck, the engine turning on and making their way down the road, back toward the house, five four-fanged vampires following them to ensure their safety, while the other five scattered around the property, protecting their princess without a second thought.

"Would you ever reopen this place again?" Morgan asked, looking at her vampire mate

"There is a possibility." Eric replied, shrugging slightly

"Maybe a cure to Hep-V could be distributed here." looking back at the building "But we might need Bill's scientist friend for that."

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