~chapter 9~

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It's been 2month you work on his house..his parents also started liking you more..and planning to make you both together..

he never stop his  flirting with you..and you got more irritated but whenever he do that your heart beating fast..you feel thousand of butterflies but you confused why it's all..

Now..you started painting and decorating in the house..

Everything almost complete only fixing furniture and decoration left..

Now you are coming downstairs while talking on phone..

You were busy on call..you don't even know you going to fall

"Ok i will check the email"

you said and cut the call..you were checking the email.. unfortunately your foot slipped and your ankle got squeezed and you fall on floor..

"Ouch!" You scream.. loudly..

Bcz of your scream the stuff turned around and saw you on floor he run to you..

"Mam are you okey..how you fall.." he asked you.

Hearing your screams tae come while running..

"What happened yn.." Tae ask..

"Mam fall from stairs.." he said..

"What?" He yell..

"I am okey..you go do work.."

"But mam you..let me help you.." he said and about to hold your hand..you said

"I told you na..You go " you said strictly..so  he nodded and went..

You try to stood up but you hissed in pain..

"Ouch!" You again scream bcz you got hurt on your ankle...

"Can't you walk properly " he asked and you scuff..

"No..i forget how to walk.." you said being angry bcz of your pain..

He make done face..and you try to stood up again but you felt pain..

Your eyes getting teary bcz it's hurt lot..

"Let me hold you..'' he said and bend down..but stop..

"No...i don't want..i can walk.." you said and he shook his head ..

You try your best but you can't stand up.. finally after so many struggle you stand up but can't stand properly and about to fall again thankfully he hold you..

"I can walk'' he mimicking you.and you sign..

"Leave me ..i can go by myself " you said little teary voice..bcz of pain..

He look at you and pick you up..in bridal style..and you gasp..

"Put me down..i ca--"

You stop when he look at you with derk geze..

"Stop your mouth" he said and you look away..and wipe your tears which little fall..

He come near couch and put you down..

"Sit here.." he said and went near away..

You frown and remove your heels and rubbing your ankle..

He come with madical kit..and sit beside you..

He hold your leg and about to put it on couch you hold his hand and say..

"Hey..what are you doing.." you asked..

"I masage you this medicine you feel relief..''he said

"Okey give me..you don't have to do this.." you said.

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