5: Ninja Encounter, Part III

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Part 3 of Ninja Encounter begins inside of the Command Center where the remaining Rangers are trying to figure out how to get Jason, Trini and Zack out of the Terror Blossom's frozen trap.

Billy: I don't understand, Zordon. I boosted the stimulator output to maximum capacity, but it's not working. They're still frozen.

Zordon: Keep trying, Billy. You must find a way to break the flower monster's spell.

Tommy: Zordon, what about Mr. Anderson and the others?

Zordon: I'm afraid their time is running out, Rangers. The Serpent of Darkness has almost completed its transformation. Once the three young ninjas are bitten, they'll be filled forever with the venom of evil.

Kimberly: Yeah, and meanwhile the Terror Blossom is rampaging around loose.

Y/n: That's the least of our worries. My friends are currently in the Dimension of Despair with a snake that could turn them evil anytime now, the others are frozen and we're twiddling our fingers.

Zordon: Unfortunately, yes, Kimberly and Y/n.

Billy: We need more power.

In the Dimension of Despair, the serpent continues making its way towards Rocky, Adam and Aisha who sit in suspense.

Aisha: [Shakes head] Gotta find some way out of here.

Meanwhile, Lord Zedd awaits the transformation of his evil ninja team in his lair, preparing for quite the excitement out of finally sticking it to the Power Rangers. He sits on his throne, and the Putty arrive to give their master the news.

Lord Zedd: Ah. Today promises to be a glorious day. I will witness not only the birth of my own evil warriors, but also the final destruction of the Power Rangers.

Back in the Dimension of Despair, the three teens watch as the serpent slowly makes its slither over to them.

Adam: We don't have much time left.

Rocky: [Accepting fate] I guess this is it. I never imagined I'd be using my abilities for evil.

Mr. Anderson: [Shakes head] Come on, guys. You three have always been optimistic. We can't give up our hope now.

Aisha: [Turns to Rocky and Adam; in agreement] Mr. Anderson's right. I mean, who knows? Maybe the Power Rangers will save us. [Tries reassuring Rocky] Now, get a grip.

Rocky: [Giving up hope] Yeah right, Aisha. Like the Power Rangers really know who we are.

Adam: [In agreement with Rocky] Pretty doubtful if you ask me.

Aisha: It could happen, Adam. We've just got to keep it together and believe in ourselves. Besides, Y/n's still out there.

Mr. Anderson: Just like I have to keep believing that Jacob's okay.

Speaking of Jacob, currently in the park Bulk is trying to make the baby boy laugh. He sits in front of the baby, who's sitting on the top of a picnic table crying, with a clip on his nose looking like he's Pinocchio.

Bulk: [Baby still crying] Oh, come on. No offense, little guy, but you gotta eat. [Baby cries even harder] Oh, come on! I didn't mean it!

Bulk attempts to get Jacob to laugh, but nothing. Skull eventually comes running into the area with baby stuff, but drops them at the smell of a dirty diaper.

Skull: You shouldn't have given him that Bean Burrito.

Bulk: [Baby sounds] Shut your trap and change the kid's diaper.

Skull: [Against plan] Uh-uh. No way. I got the diapers, you change him.

Bulk isn't really all with the plan either, so he takes a quarter out from his hat and decides to flip on who gets to change the diaper. He puts it on his hand and calls tails, but it appears to be heads.

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