womp womp

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A/N : i want to specify i never wrote angst before soo its not  that good and short cuz im making it as i go

warnings : death


"I remember when we would just watch the sky at the night, watching you point at every star with a big smile on your face as you told me how much you wished to be close to the stars. I found it stupid and pathetic at first, but now.. you got what you wanted, I'm just not sure if I'm ready to accept that."

A young boy was sitting next to a grave, talking about his day and what he used to think in certain situations he had with that person, that boy was named Damien Thorn. Surprising, correct? The Son of Satan, new ruler of Hell, sitting and talking next to a grave? Though, you couldn't really blame him for it. He lost his closest and only friend, even a considered love interest, at such a young age. Pip Pirrup engraved on the headstone, and the one Damien lost. 

It's been a few days since the funeral that barely anybody showed up for; only Pip's foster parents, Damien, Butters, and Gregory. Though Gregory and Butters weren't there for long, one had other things to do and the other was worried he'd be grounded for being out too long, so It was left with mainly just the parents and Damien. It clearly took a toll on the 3 as the mother was sobbing her heart out as the father comforted her but Damien, on the other hand, was just standing there with mixed emotions. He wasn't sure how to process the passing so all he did was just visit the grave everyday after school to spend most of his day talking and doing stuff with Pip's grave.

Today, Damien seems to be just talking, all he's ever talked about was memories they'd have together and how dumb or useless he found everything to be but now, he just has a big frown on his face as he sat on a criss-cross, slouching a little.

"..Ever since you left, I've been alone." Damien said with a hint of anger in his tone as he pulled some grass off from the ground at the side, "What right do you have to leave the son of Satan alone..?" He sounds more upset than mad now, tears forming and blurring his vision. Damien's finally processed all of his emotions, I guess all that recollection of past memories was the push he needed to take it all in, now he's sobbing and hiccuping as he curls up into a ball and leaning against the headstone. He realizes that this empty emotion he's been feeling all this time is because he felt incomplete without Pip, unfulfilled now that they're gone and not around to give him the happiness he always felt around them. 

Damien had such hope too to see Pip in Hell and even began going around all the layers of Hell to find Pip, burning anybody in his way. Sadly, he never found them so the only other outcome was that they went to Heaven, he was in such a huge fit and was even wrecking round the town of South Park though, of course, 4 kids managed to stop it somehow and Damien gotten detention after that. That was the first time he ever cared about getting detention, he felt bad because it meant he had to be late to meet up with Pip. 

After Damien cried and sobbed for a good while, he slowly calmed down as realization hits him. "Wait, what do you even sound like again..?" Damien asked with slight hesitation as he rubbed his eyes and wiped his tears away, staring at the headstone with concern, most of the time Pip talked Damien had blocked out since he didn't find it much important or couldn't focus but now, he's desperately trying to remember their voice. Though he was lightheaded from all the crying, he just assumed he'd forgotten temporarily because of that, Damien looked around and noticed that it's starting to turn to the Evening, "I'll.. I'll come back tomorrow! I'm sure to remember your voice, It was practically itched into my brain anyway I'm bound to remember that.. er.." He was trying to find the words to describe the voice, with no avail as he still has no clue, "Nevermind, I'll definitely come back!" Damien announces, standing up and wiping any remaining tears off his face, "I'll also bring a flower too, I promise! You.. like those, right?" He asked unconsciously while turning his back to the headstone, expecting a reply but after a minute he realized that Pip can't respond and this caused Damien to sigh, "Whatever, just appreciate the gesture!" He.. demands?

Damien made his way back to his house, eating his food and heading to bed. As he begins to slowly fall asleep he thought for just a split second that Pip was there and reached out to them only to be met with the cold touch of the wall, this caught him off guard and disappointed him severely as his tiredness grew and he closed his eyes to finally asleep. 

Damien now woke up on a field of grass sitting up and looking around to take in his surroundings, It was a little dark around but nothing dangerous seems to be around, "Where..?" 

"Where what?" A curious voice spoke which scared Damien as he flinched, beginning to look over at the direction of the voice, ready to attack whoever just spoke. It's Pip! They're just laying on the grass beside Damien, hands resting on their stomach now having one hand to wave at him, "Are you alright? You sort of just... stood up randomly.." Pip said sounding a little worried for him but also with a playful tone, a smile just stuck on their face.

The demon was shocked, his eyes just completely wide open, was Pip truly there? Is this all just a dream? Or was all that funeral stuff just a bad nightmare? This confused Damien more and more but he shook his head gently, he wanted to avoid that kind of thinking right now and just enjoy the moment.

"I'm fine, let's just go back to what we're doing!" Damien huffed, before thinking to himself and asking Pip, "What exactly are we doing?"

This caused Pip to laugh a little, "We were just relaxing here and stargazing, nothing much!" 

"Oh.. right! Yeah, we'll just stargaze and talk!" Damien nods, now laying back down next to Pip, staring at the sky which was dark filled with pretty shining white dots, stars. "Stars.. are nice!" Damien tried to start a conversation, if this truly was just a dream then he's going to make the most out of it.

"Hm, yeah! I have always wished to be near the stars, I'm quite curious as to what they'd feel or look like up close, are they just round orbs or truly the shape of a star we always see?" Pip sounded excited, pointing around the sky as they look for constellations. Oh, Damien knew that sentence very well, It was one of the last sentences before Pip died, he didn't know what to say in the moment and in a panic, he just randomly said what comes to mind.

"Well, I forbid you!" Not quite the wording Damien was looking for, but close enough. "You still have to stay here with me, so you're not going anywhere! Not just yet." Damien demanded and this caught Pip off guard as they begin to chuckle, not expecting that response at all. Damien looked over at Pip as they chuckle, he begins to laugh alongside them as they truly enjoy every second of this before an ear-piercing beep plays and everything has faded to black.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.. beep, beep, beep-

Damien's sense of vision came back as he weakly opens his eyes, as they're half open, he takes in where he's at right now and he seems to be in his room. That beep not stopping until a minute later as it automatically stopped, he had finally took everything in. It really was just a dream, huh? He thought to himself, tears forming again as he turned to the side of his bed, tears streaming down his face while he begins to miss Pip.


A/N : well its 1:25am and im half asleep as i write this so um ya have fun reading if its not to ur standards uhh SORRY??

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