womp womp 2??

25 3 20

A/N : someone said to make this a second page so i kinda just did i can guarantee this will be short tho cuz its only a few paragraphs before im actually done (take what you will)

warnings : death again


"Why did you have to be so stupid and leave me here alone?! You told me you'd never leave my side, and now you're just going to leave me alone like this?" 

Damien was crying his heart out as he laid on his bed, this emotional outbreak was obviously too much for him to handle and this causes his mothers to come into his room to originally wake him up for school but now concerned as to why he's crying.

"Dami? What's wrong?" One of the mothers, Heather, asked as the both of them sit on the edge of the bed, looking at Damien and ready to listen to what's wrong.

"I don't know, It's just- I just had a nightmare.." Damien was practically messing up his words in between sobs and hics, he couldn't even get the right words.

"Hey hey, it's alright, I'm sure you'll be fine, hm.." The other mother, Vannessa, spoke and started pondering, "How about you take the day off, dear? We can tell you've been going through a lot considering.. well- We'll treat you to your favorite treats and you can watch your favorite show alright?" She asked, giving Damien a warm smile to try cheer him up and pretty expectant of what he'll say next.

Damien thought for a bit and sniffled, nodding, "Okay.. but I still have to go out later, I promised them I'd be back to them with a flower!" Hours go by, Damien had just been spending time with his moms and doing anything really to have fun but of course he hadn't forgotten to meet up with Pip and so he made his way to the graveyard, snow surrounding the area making crunching sounds as he walked. "I'm back, just like I said!" Damien announced to Pip's headstone, flower in hand, "Got you that flower too, it's a lavender! It's.. the most fit for how I truly felt about you or something.. so be happy about it!" He said with a bit of embarrassment as he placed the lavender down, now sitting in front of the headstone and trying to think of what to say. It was quite windy that day which caused the lavender to slowly fly off into the breeze, this caught Damien by surprise as he quickly stood up to go catch it but paused, "Oh- I'll be back, I'll go get it." He said to the headstone, before turning back to go chase after the flower. 

After a while of chasing it, Damien finally grabbed the flower and sighed in relief, beginning to walk back now as he realizes how late it is now. He looked up at the sky and saw a meteor shower, he was in awe and with a big smile on his face he ran back to Pip and gently stabbed the lavender's stem into the snow so it won't fly away this time then he sat next to the headstone.

"Phil, look! The sky is extra pretty!" Damien looked up and pointed at the meteor shower, It wasn't much but this was his first time seeing it and he didn't even know about it until now, leaning on the headstone with a huge grin on his face, "It's so.. beautiful!" his eyes shined with joy and excitement. 

"It's coming right for us!" A guy shouts and a loud Bang was heard. Damien was shocked as his chest started to ache while he looked down to see the cause, a deep red was now coloring his sweater, was he just shot at in the chest..? Damien's vision blurred as the pain grew and his body felt cold and shaky, laying on his back as he felt so weak that he couldn't even stay sitting up. 

Damien wasn't sure what or how to react but the only thing he could say at the time was the thing he swore he saw in his dying moments, "Phil..?" he asked, using all his strength to reach to what he thought was Pip but met with nothing but a cold breeze, with disappointment he dropped his hand and just stared at the meteor shower once more. If this is how he truly goes, he accepted it as he got to pass next to the one he's only ever loved, tears streaming down his face once more as everything went to black and nothing was heard again.


A/N : yeah dont think this was short but anyway whatever its under 1K so its short tO ME

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