CH 8: Class President's Rise

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Kosuke and his mother, Kiyoko, were captivated by Fatal Weapon, her favorite buddy cop film. Her enthusiasm for the movie was so compelling that they watched the first and subsequent two sequels, making it a marathon session. The shared experience, filled with laughter and commentary, drew them closer, turning an ordinary evening into a memorable one.

As Kosuke finally returned to his room, his alarm clock indicated the late hour. Despite this, Kosuke dutifully completed his homework, which he had postponed earlier. But the assignment took longer than anticipated, pushing him further into the night. He heaved a sigh as he placed the finished homework in his book bag, acknowledging the inevitable grogginess he'd face in the morning. Yet, the warmth of the night spent with Kiyoko made every moment of lost sleep worth it.

Morning brought with it the sluggishness he'd anticipated. His alarm clock, snoozed one time too many, signaled that he had overslept by an hour, disrupting his usual routine. With a resigned sigh, Kosuke decided to forego his morning jog. Instead, he opted for a brisk walk to school, a compromise to ensure he remained active. The slight chill of the morning air and the quiet streets provided a calm backdrop as he made his way, reflecting on the enjoyable night and mentally preparing for the day ahead.

As he neared the school gates, he noticed something unusual: a large gathering of reporters milling around the entrance.

"What could this be about?" Kosuke thought as he approached. However, he'd soon find out as he was quickly engulfed by the sea of journalists, their cameras and recorders thrust towards him.

"Excuse me, young man! Are you a student in the hero course?" A determined female reporter asked. "If so, could you share with us what it's like being taught by All Might, the number one hero?"

Kosuke managed a polite, closed-eye smile. "Yes, I'm studying in the hero course," he replied calmly. "All Might is an extraordinary teacher, deeply committed to nurturing our growth and potential."

He raised his hand to halt her before she could bombard him with more questions. "I'm sorry, I can't stay to chat. I must get to class."

Attempting to proceed through the gate, he found his path blocked by the persistent reporter. "Wait! Can you tell us a bit more about All Might? His teaching style or how he interacts with students?"

Glancing at his phone, which read '8:10 A.M.', Kosuke's polite demeanor began to wane. "I need to go now. Please, step aside. I would like to be on time."

With her desperation growing, the reporter implored, "Please, just one more question! Anything about All Might!"

Kosuke's expression hardened, his voice taking on a firmer tone. "Move aside. Now."

Startled by the sudden change in his demeanor, the reporter quickly stepped aside, allowing Kosuke to pass. As he walked through the gate, a chill ran down his spine—a sensation that someone, or something, was watching him. He paused, turning to scan the crowd behind him. The reporters had already descended on another student, their questions as relentless as before. But beyond that, nothing seemed out of place.

"It must be my imagination," Kosuke mused, attempting to dismiss the unnerving feeling. He stifled a yawn. "I am rather tired today, so it's likely just my mind playing tricks on me," he reasoned before making his way inside.

As Kosuke entered the classroom, he was immediately drawn into a lively conversation between Kirishima, Sero, and Yaoyorozu. Shoto, already seated, seemed to be more of an observer than a participant, although he looked up to acknowledge Kosuke's arrival.

Kirishima was recounting with a chuckle, "Those media folks were intense! I never thought I'd get through; it's a frenzy out there, haha!"

Sero echoed the sentiment with a heavy sigh: "Surviving that mob was no joke. I can't believe the staff just let them camp out like that."

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