CH 24: Bittersweet

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Surrounded and with time running out, Kosuke knew he needed a decisive, strategic move to immobilize Class B's teams and secure their escape. He drew upon a technique he'd been refining since his combat training, a move designed not just for distraction but for near-instant containment.

"Precision is key," he murmured to himself. "I've got to be quick, lest they dodge it," Kosuke said with a deep breath, closing his eyes and channeling his focus. The ground beneath them began to tremble subtly, a seismic whisper that extended towards the teams surrounding them, halting just beneath their positions.

"Adachi, we need to move!" Benjamin's voice tinged with panic as he glanced nervously between the encircling teams.

Aoyama, equally concerned, opened his mouth to speak, but Kitagawa cut him off with a sharp gesture. "Quiet down, both of you!" she yelled, her gaze fixed on Kosuke, "He's concentrating. I've seen this before. Trust me, he's about to make a move."

Her words brought a momentary silence to the group, their attention now entirely on Kosuke. Despite the encroaching danger, there was a shared sense of anticipation, a trust that Kosuke's silent preparation was the prelude to a strategy that could turn their dire situation around.

With a calculated intensity, Kosuke suddenly lifted his hand. Instantly, iron pillars surged upward from beneath the ground, ensnaring each member of the Class B teams. The pillars twisted, turned, and gripped each group, effectively pinning them in place.

Tetsutetsu's voice boomed in frustration, "WHAT THE—?!" He struggled against the iron confines, his muscles straining. "I'LL BUST OUT OF THIS, JUST WATCH!" he bellowed, pulling against the pillars. But despite his efforts, the iron held firm. "ARGH! I CAN'T MOVE DANGIT!"

The mantis boy attempted to free his arms to slash the iron. But the tightness with which the iron gripped his body made it impossible. He let out an irritated click while Kasumi, recognizing the futility of their situation, exhaled a sigh of resigned frustration. The pony girl was similarly frustrated.


As Kosuke wiped away fresh beads of sweat, his eyes scanned the immobilized teams, a hint of satisfaction in his gaze. "Seems my plan was even more effective than I thought." he mused, a faint smirk on his lips. "Let's collect their points while we have the chance!" he suggested, his voice carrying a note of urgency as he moved, leading the charge.

But as he took his first step forward, his body betrayed him. A sudden falter, a loss of balance – it was enough to almost send the entire team tumbling. Kosuke caught himself just in time, preventing a fall. Still, his labored breathing and pallid complexion were unmistakable signs of exhaustion.

Benjamin, startled by the unexpected moment of weakness, blurted out with concern, "Whoa, what's going on, Adachi?"

Aoyama looked on warily, "You don't look well at all."

But Kosuke dismissed their worries with a firmness that belied his physical state. "I'm fine," he insisted, pushing his voice, "That last move was more draining than I anticipated. But we can't let this chance slip by. We must act now!"

Kitagawa's gaze on Kosuke was piercing, reflecting a deep understanding of his situation. "Adachi..." she whispered, her voice tinged with concern and a hint of exasperation. She was acutely aware of the dangers of overexertion, but the immediacy of their situation left them with limited options. Changing their formation, especially switching riders mid-battle without touching the ground, posed a significant challenge. Besides, Kosuke had already made his stance clear earlier – he was determined to lead, and stepping down now, in his view, was not an option.

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