Bloodsuckerz Romanc3 - rik3y

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(Takes place in the I'm Not Okay MV universe)

Ray Toro. A guitar player with fluffy and big hair, a big smile, rosy cheeks. He listened to Iron Maiden, Metallica, and Black Sabbath. He was a weird dude overall but his three friends were weird dudes too, so it was fine. Ray Toro was also someone with an unidentified sexuality, so were his friends though, so that was okay too.

Ray figured out he was gay very early on, but hadn't the words to explain what he felt. He knew whenever he looked at magazines with guys on them he felt more than to the women on magazines, even the logs about the prettiest girls in the world left him uninterested.

He also figured he was queer because his friend, Mikey Way, also was a pretty dude.

Mikey Way. A bass player with straight hair, oddly fitted glasses, and big brown eyes. He liked Joy Division, Anthrax, Midtown, stuff like that. He was also a weird dude.

He had known he was gay since freshman year, but only recently being open to everybody about it.

Most every time they had a sleepover something almost happened but it never seemed to go through and they ignored it.

So when Ray got invited over to the Way's house he was a little nervous.

He packed a pair of gray sweatpants, a slightly tight (but still comfortable) t-shirt that he knew looked nice on him, and a large hoodie. He stuffed other things he would need and drove over.

He opened the door and Gerard let him in.

He saw Mikey on the floor talking away. His glasses were practically off his nose as they always were, he was in a shirt that clung to him and was a bit too short, as well as batman PJ pants he knew were Gerards but he had probably borrowed.

Ray thought Mikey looked really cute in batman PJs.

After they all got really tired they decided to go into their respective rooms and sleep if they could.

Frank has gabbed a lot of the blankets to the other bed so Mikey felt really cold in just a t-shirt.

Ray took off his hoodie and gave it to Mikey.

"But then you'll feel cold?" Mikey said in protest.

Ray brought his face close and kissed him. Mikey seemed shocked beyond words.

"Please?" Ray asked.

"Okay..." Mikey blushed.


sorry its short just gonna keep it simple. this books pretty much just gonna be at my pace of practicing so bare with it. later ill probably get into other stuff but just a bit of simplicity to start. im more used to long works but short writing i think is something i need practice on so yeah 👍😙

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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