Audio Log 002

7 1 1


Testing, testing...
Finally, I need to get a better recording device

It has been a week since my..., last log.
They haven't given any of us a break. How do you expect a team of ten researchers to get anything done with five hours of sleep and what barely counts for a burger! Don't get me started on the other things we're served. This is outrageous I say, OUTRAGEOUS!
I should have stayed in psychology.

Regrettable choices in major and terrible working conditions aside, we have made some head way in our research
Which isn't saying much since we barely have anything.

We've been tasked with monitoring the brain waves of sleeping individuals. The usual alpha dominant situation you get with relaxation and REM sleep. But then we found something.

Some of the individuals in REM sleep, were showing... peculiar  wave patterns. REM sleep is the point in sleep where the brain experiences a surge of activity, known to most as dreaming, occurs. I don't know why I feel the nonsensical need to explain this, perhaps it's the lack of sleep finally getting to me.

Jerald, make another two coffee orders.
Make one of those a caramel expresso.

Now that is out of the way, the strange brain patterns. They were, chaotic, to put it simply. Most waves have a kind of pattern to them. A way of identifying them and their affects on the mind. This on the other hand had no pattern, unless you count the lack of any consistency a pattern. Personally I don't and will stand by my opinion.

The higher ups seem very intrigued by this, to an almost suspicious extant. Further research is required however, and I pride myself on being a good scientist.

Hopefully this won't drive me to insanely, but who knows with these idiots.

This is Dr. Zarcof, end of recording

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