Chapter 2

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The only thing I think about is you. My desire for you grows more and more. This last week I only managed to survive thanks to you. While I clean the corridors at Filiost, I listen to your interviews. Your voice is my fuel. When I'm not listening to your interviews, I'm listening to Taylor Swift. I'm already on the album called 1989(2014). Is it my impression that her albums keep getting better? I'm starting to understand why you like her so much. You are so smart. Thank you for opening my eyes.

I went to see your latest movie at the cinema. It was amazing. You were fantastic. Beautiful as always. I jerked off watching you on the big screen. I could not resist. Watching you for two hours left me so horny, I had to jerk off halfway through the movie. Other people luckily didn't notice. I could've been arrested if they caught me, but you drive me crazy and make me do crazy things.

I've been watching a movie of yours every day. Even those who are bad your presence is all I need. You are simply wonderful. I'm your number one fan, never doubt that. Your talent is impressive. I want you so much Ava.

Every day I see the news that comes out about you, I need to keep up to date with your life. I hate the paparazzi. I consider them to be unscrupulous parasites, but I have to admit that if it weren't for them, I wouldn't know so much about your daily life. Apparently, you and that son of a bitch Alexander are getting closer and closer. I honestly don't know what you see in him. He seems to be more of a rich asshole who just wants to fuck you.Ava, believe me, I look at him and I can see that he doesn't deserve you. I can't see much affection on his part. I find it hard to believe he loves you. Fuck you Alexander! Wait until you meet me I will demonstrate the true love I feel for you and I am sure you will love it.

I eat strawberries every day. It is our favorite fruit. I can't wait to eat with you after having some hot sex. When I take a bite, I want to believe that your vagina also tastes like strawberries. I would give anything to be hugging you right now, to feel your body pressed against mine. Smell your pleasant and addictive odor. Feeling like you're mine and nobody else's. That would be heaven for me.

Every day I learn something about you. I know you like to go to the Luminary Lounge with your girlfriends regularly. You're always being photographed going in there. It's a nightclub where celebrities go to parties, maybe that's where you met that son of a bitch Alexander. I'm not a fan of going out at night and getting drunk listening to remixes of popular songs, but for you, I'd do anything. I would go with you every day until you were fed up. Every morning you are seen with a cup of green liquid from Starbucks. I still don't know what it is but I bet it's healthy. It has to be, because you're not like a normal person, you're simply better than everyone else. While others eat fried chicken and cheeseburgers every day, damaging their health, you, on the other hand, treat your body and your health like a temple. And I love you even more for it.

Your interviews have also been quite educational about you. You like walks on the beach, you love your golden retriever named Jackz and you like men with a good sense of humor. Ava, please marry me! I love the beach, we could go to Malibu for a swim and hang out. I always wanted to go to Malibu with you. Your dog looks like the cutest thing in the world, after you of course. I would love to play with him and walk him with you by my side. I have a good sense of humor. At least I'll try to have. I'll have fun and give you the good mood you need. Support you in everything above all laugh with you. Frankly, I don't think Alexander has much of a sense of humor, but I get it, money talks. You don't want to date some scumbag. You want someone who is just as rich as you and who can live the luxuries you are both used to. I don't judge you, but I will change that. I will prove to you that money is worthless when you have true love.

Alice and Kirsten were never like you in every way. That's why I killed them. I showed love, passion, and dedication they just saw me as another dick to ride. I tried everything to make it work, but it didn't. Alice cheated on me with some guy she met in the gym. I only found out when I snooped on her cell phone while she was sleeping. I couldn't believe it when I found out. I saw the conversations with him, flooded with "I love you so much", "I want to see you" and heart emojis. They even sent nudes to each other. Worse was that she talked to her friends about it, she told them that I was boring, that I had no friends, and that my apartment was shit. At the time, I didn't want to believe it. I killed her and the motherfucker that was fucking her. I know you understand me.

With Kirsten, it was different but equally tragic. She didn't share the same passion I felt for her. I loved her, as I once loved Alice, and as I love you. She simply just wanted me to fuck. After a week of dating, basically, she didn't even talk to me anymore, she just showed up here at the apartment for us to fuck. I tried everything to spend more time with her. She was always "busy". She was probably screwing other guys, but I never found out. I liked her a lot and I tried everything to get more time with her and to improve our situation, I was two hundred percent dedicated. She didn't want anything to do with me and suddenly she disappeared without saying anything. A month later I found her new Instagram account, and I chased her to the new city where she lived and killed her.

I couldn't bear the humiliation. I gave so much of my love and she didn't care about me. I loved her, and the disgust she provoked made me commit extreme measures. I'm not proud of what I did, but I don't regret it. Both deserved what they got. You understand what I had to do, I know you do. I know you're different from these self-interested whores. If I were rich, they would spend my life sucking my dick, but since I am a poor lovable person, they used and abused the love that I had for them. He who laughs last laughs best, and I was the last to laugh.

You will not let me down. I'm sure of it. I can see so much in you that they don't. If you meet me I'm sure you'll love me unconditionally.

Another week goes by and I think about you more and more. I don't even think about anything else but you. I'm saving as much money as possible so I can visit you in Los Angeles. I'm sure we will get along incredibly well, but you still don't even know I exist. I will change it. I'm fed up with my job and Curtis but I don't want to quit just yet. I don't know anyone in LA but you. That's enough for me, but at first, it's complicated not having a job and not knowing anyone and not knowing the city where I am. Before I can leave everything behind I have to plan well what to do and how to do it. My desire to go after you is infinite, but I have to be patient. I cannot force things to happen. If I rush in, I might miss the only chance I have.

What if I can't reach you?

I have to. For you. For us. I'll do my best so that you and I end up together. Nothing will come between us I promise you. Not even that fucking Alexander. He's not like me. He's shit compared to me. You will see, and you will wish you had known me sooner. I can't wait to walk down the beach with you and Jackz. I can't wait to be able to kiss you. I want you so much by my side. I want to meet your friends. I want to meet your parents. I want you to be the mother of my children. I want to be an important pillar of your life. The most important pillar of your life.

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The 3nd chapter is RELEASED NEXT WEEK!!!

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