Sunflower pizza delivery!

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Sunny was doing his usual 9-5 pizza delivery job. Trying to read what the guy at Gino's wrote on the paper he had, try his best to guess which house he had to deliver to and if he guessed it correctly then.... Good for him I guess? Ether way he still got paid no matter how many orders he got correct or wrong. He honestly started to question why he was still trying to do his job...probably so he wouldn't get fired.

Sunny snapped himself out of his train of thought, he had to delver more pizzas after all! Guess it's time to try and understand what his notes were... so he did just that, he grabbed one of the papers that he was given and tried reading it.

"Thįß hœùz hæß @ gr3eñ rœ0f äñb fłœw3r$"
Sunny looked for the house he was meant to deliver to.

Green roof and flowers...

Green roof and flowers.......

After a little bit of looking he found it! It.... It was basils house..... sunny felt dumbfounded for not knowing the note was talking about his "best friends" house. He was also a little embarrassed to deliver a pizza to one of his friends house... but oh well, he shouldn't complain cause at the end of the day he's getting paid.

Sunny reluctantly got off his motorcycle, headed to basils door and knocked and said "PIZZA DELIVERY!". He was able to hear some noises from behind the door, seems like basil wasn't the only one home right now, he was able to hear some arguing, someone trying to calm them down and a more feminine voice giggling.

"Oh! I think that's the pizza, I'll go get it!" He was able to hear basil say, then the door opened and both him and basil locked eyes... and said nothing.... It was extremely awkward, he wasn't even sure how long they looked at each other, probably more then a minute or two right? Seems like they were both lost in a train of thought. Until kel of all people looked at sunny behind basil.

"Oh heya sunny! Still working for Gino's I see? Good to see your still on that grind!!!" He said with his usual grin.

Sunny was a little confused? Why was kel their? Who's voice was the feminine voices he heard? Until it clicked and sunny once again felt dumb founded. It all made sense now! Basil was probably having a sleepover with kel, hero and Aubrey! Sunny did feel a little offended about not being invited but he assumed that for the most part they knew that he was working.

If no one other then kel was going to speak then sunny decided that he might as well speak up, the pizza was getting cold after all. "Uh...that's going to be 12.69$..." (hehe nice >:) ) sunny told them. "Yo basil! Are you going to pay or what?" Kel said chuckling a tiny bit. "Oh..r-right! Here you go sun!" Basil gave sunny the money but before sunny was able to leave basil spoke up once again. "Um... a-are we allowed to tip?" Basil said slightly blushing. "Yes, tips are greatly appreciated" sunny said. Basil decided to tip sunny 10$ and a flower... giving him a flower of all things was a small gesture but nonetheless made him smile a bit :D. Sunny was about to leave and deliver more pizzas before once again being interrupted.

"So who did they send? Was it a dog?" Aubrey said, popping behind basil and chuckling a bit at her joke. "Look! They sent sunny! Funny coincidence huh?" Kel said, still having a smile on his face. The one that had always annoyed Aubrey. "Oh of course they sent him! Guess they knew who he was delivering to! Heh!!" Aubrey spoke up once again, sunny didn't fully get why aubrey and kel were giggling at her joke, but seemed like they succeeded in their goal to make basil blush.

"You should definitely come visit us after your shift sunny! Our sleepover has been fun so far!!" Kel mentioned, putting his hands in the air like he did when he was 12 then proceeded to put them on his hips.

"Yea, other then you trying to FORCE me to drink orange joe..." Aubrey mentioned to kel, sunny could clearly since a augment between the two coming on.

"I DIDNT FORCE YOU TO DRINK IT! IT WAS A DARE!!!" Kel argued back. The two then started arguing behind basil. Sunny felt bad for basils poor ears.... Basil then signaled sunny to leave and continue his shift, not in a rude way of course! Just trying to get it to where he wouldn't have to hear it for any longer or be dragged into it. Sunny decided to do exactly that, waving goodbye to basil as he shut the door, then sunny got back on his motorcycle. He was about to drive off but then he remembered the flower basil gave him, he always liked wearing flowers that basil gave him so he decided to put the flower behind his ear :) he then proceeded to ride off.

Author notes and stuff :DD

WOOO!!! Finally something I'm going to publish on here! So I might make a second part where basil gets a job at Gino's. I'm not fully sure since I have a fanfic about one of my omori aus that I'm still working on, plus im not much of a writer so im not really writing on here :| so uh guess I'll give a little summary thing?? Like when this was finished and how many words were used (including the author notes) I should also say that im sort of a beginner writer so im hoping this isn't that bad for a sort of beginner :DD ANYWAYS SUMMARY THING!! (The summary is basically me trying to get the words I used to 1000 :,) )

Finished at: 12:38am (no idea for what time I started this at cus I don't keep track of that stuff sadly)

Words: 1006 (YEA BABY 1000+ WORDS USED!!!)

OMORI ONE SHOTS!!!! YIPPEE!!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang