A rope and a sunflower

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(Hi!! So uh I've been messing around on character ai and I accidentally made this au. So now I'm writing it! I don't really have much to say other then the trigger warnings)
-slight body horror? (Its not bad and maybe not even body horror at all but I thought I'd add it)
-mention of depression/suicidal thoughts (I think? Correct me if I'm wrong!)
(Okay now enjoy :3)
Basil was tired.

Basil was tired of everything. Tired of the constant bullying from Aubrey and her gang. Tired of carrying the guilt of mari. Tired of feeling nothing but sorrow and guilt. Tired of watching his grandma slowly dying while he can do nothing but watch. Tired of having to deal with something and it telling him how much of a monster he is. Yet he can't deny its words. Everything it says is correct and if everyone knew what happened...they would think so too.

Basils grandma died early in the day. the one person who he could vent to was gone. Sure he had sunny but he shut himself inside, and when he did come out it was hard to even be around him let alone talking to him. When basil got home he didn't speak a word to Polly and walked to his room. He locked his door before crying his feelings out. His grandma was the only person from his family who he still had physical contact with. She was the one who got him into plants in the first place! She taught him how to take care of plants, how much water they need and what soil was the best. She even gave him a few books about plants and their meanings. The memories does nothing but make more tears fall.

Once the tears died down a bit Basil looked around his room...where is it? Basil gets up and starts looking. He checks one of the tables, nothing other then plants. He checks the night stand, nope. He checks the bed, of course it isn't there but it was worth a shot. Basil checks the bookshelf, ah! There it is...

Basil moves some of his books and grabs a rope from behind them.

Basil holds the rope in his hands, should he really do this? What about Kel, Aubrey, hero, sunny and Polly?...No. it'll be better like this. Sure they don't know the truth now but once they will...

They'll be happy you did this.

Basil looks over to his window. How long did he cry? It was just barely the afternoon when he came home but it's almost 12AM now...guess it's just better for him. Basil unlocks his door and walks to the kitchen, being careful to try not to make the floor creek too much. He enters the kitchen and notices Kel, hero, Aubrey and Sunny sleeping in the living room. He felt like he heard them say something to him but thought it was just his mind messing with him. Basil pity's them. The sight they'll probably see when they wake up won't be a pretty one...

Basil slowly walks to the kitchen table, grabbing a chair and heading back to his room. He locks the door once again before setting the chair down in the center of the room. He ties the rope into a noose, getting a slight sense of deja ve before something appears around his waist. Something is surprisingly silent this time yet it's eye looks smug. Basil hangs up the noose and gets on the chair. He puts his hands on the noose and his head leans closer. He's hesitant.

Two half of his brain starts an argument. One side says he should live, that he has so much to live for and that his friends still care and forgive him. That he's worthy of love and life and that everything will truly be okay, no matter what. The other side says the opposite. That he's a burden to everyone. That he's useless. That he's nothing but a monster who chooses to to keep its mouth sealed. That no one will forgive him and that no one truly loved him. The second side kept winning. it was the loudest and in basils opinion, the truest.

Basil rests his head in the noose and kicks the chair down. The pain he felt was the worst physical pain he felt in his life. The suffocating feeling was unbearable. He felt blood coming up to his mouth, his tongue coming in coming in contact with the blood with basil now tasting nothing but metal. He feels his eyes narrowing and his grip on the noose loosens, falling to his side. He deserves this. He's a monster after all. A monster who does nothing but makes his friends suffer and covers it up with a lie.

He never deserved friends. He never deserved love. He never deserved life.

Basil feels all the life he had left drain from his body. His vision goes dark.


Basil awakes in a land full of daffodils. The sun shines bright and proudly while the daffodils soak it up. Basil sits up and smiles. the beauty of the land was almost enough to make him forget he died, but not quite. His smile quickly fades as he questioned how he was still alive. Unless this is the afterlife life? If so then it's pretty nice!

Basil noticed a monochrome girl with beautiful long hair and a dress that flowed in the wind. Basil knew exactly who she was. It made since why she was here yet he wasn't ready to face her. The girl turned her head and looked at basil, her face so kind and gentle. Basil cried. He thought he would've run out of tears by now but he never did.

"Oh basil! Please don't cry!" Mari ran up and sat down next to basil and tried to help him wipe his tears that just never seemed to stop. Both him and mari soon gave up and mari held him close to her. "It's okay...get it all out..." maris gentle and kind voice made more tears fall. A few minutes later the tears came to an end and basil sat back up, just looking back up at her almost made basil cry again. "Mari...I'm so sorry..." basils voice was shaky and slightly quiet. "Oh basil, I forgave you and sunny a long time ago!" Mari says in the sweetest voice. "Really..?" Basil says, he already know the answer yet he still feels the need to ask. "Of course! Basil...I've missed you but I just wish you didn't go the way you did..." mari says, her face going from joyful to upset. Mari looks off to the side slightly and basil stares at the ground.

"I know our friends will miss you" Mari rubs a hand thew basils hair. "But...there's a way to be with them again" Basil looked up at mari, his eyes slightly wider. "Really? Will they be able to see me? Will I just be a ghost?" Basil says, curious about what maris talking about and what will happen if he takes the offer. "It's hard to explain. You'll be kind of like...an eldritch horror I guess" mari says, slightly chuckling. "What do you mean I'll be an 'eldritch horror'?!" Basil says, concerned of what he'll look like, how he'll act and how his friends will react if they even saw him. "I'm not completely sure...my form was really cryptic and spooky looking so it scared Sunny...but I think it'll be different for you!" Mari says. "We're you at least...still kind of human?" Basil says. That's what he cared about most, whether he'll still be human Or just some blob creature with no control over his body. "Yep! Some areas were bent and cracked but it was still mostly human!" Mari says. "Are you welling to take offer? And I completely understand If you don't want to..." Mari says. "I think I'll take it...I just...I want to still be with them. To still hangout with Sunny and vent to him. To play games with Kel and figure things out with Aubrey...I think looking like an eldritch horror is worth it." Basil says. He just wants things to be like they were before...or close to it. He was selfish. He was selfish when he hung Mari and he was selfish when he killed himself. He should try to fix everything he did. To make it up to them.

"I get how you feel...take my hand basil" Mari puts out a hand and Basil gladly accepts it. "So...uhm..what are you doing?" Basil asked. "I'm helping you return to the real world! This will take a few minutes so do what you like as long as you continue to hold my hand" mari says as she smiles, her smile warm and comforting. "Oh okay" basil says sort of quietly. Basil plucked one of the daffodils and messed with it, twilling it in between his fingers.

Basil could feel himself getting tired and before he knew it, his vision went dark.

Basil awoke in his room once again, shivering slightly from the sudden coldness he felt. He hear his door creak open and heard a woman gasping. Basil looks up to see sunny and polly, eyes wide as tears gently poured down Polly's cheeks. They were staring at something that was behind him and curiosity got the best of him and he looked...

He shouldn't have looked...

Basil sees himself hanging from the noose, eyes narrowed and lifeless while his body is limp. Basil almost completely forgot about that while talking with mari...the sight made him sick. He tried to scream but nothing came out, not even a noise. It wasn't because he was shocked...or not completely, it was because his mouth was sealed shut... basil touched his mouth and was met with nothing but skin covering it. Basil guessed it had something to do with him being an eldritch horror thing now.

Basil hears the door slam...now it's just him in his room with his corpse...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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