22, your leaving me?

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                                       Anna's POV
"Your leaving me?" I ask
"I have to, it's my brother I don't want to spend a day without you but I have to go see him. H-he's not doing very well" she sighs looking at me with her eyes starting to become glossy because of the tears building up

I look at her with sympathy
I take a deep breath
"I can't tell you it's going to be okay cause I don't know myself but whatever happens I will be by your side through it all" I hold my pinky up

She laughs and cries at the same time while linking our pinkies together

The ride ends and as soon as we get off it starts pouring

"Well shit" I laugh while looking up
"Come on!" I look to my side where Angelina is supposed to be but I see her running the opposite way from me

I run after her to the parking lot but being careful not to spill the fish
"Get in!" She tells me

After I get in the car
"I know a spot that looks magical when it rains" she smiles before turning on the heater
"Well then" I smile back


"We're here" she says
I look out the passenger window and see a field filled with daisies and to the left around 25 feet away is a little pond with a fishing platform surrounded by trees while the field  being surrounded by only 5 weeping willow trees
(I won't look on google or a picture I just created in my mind lol so here's like a note thingy and I meant to put pond but I'm too lazy to fix it)

"We're here" she says I look out the passenger window and see a field filled with daisies and to the left around 25 feet away is a little pond with a fishing platform surrounded by trees while the field  being surrounded by only 5 weeping willow t...

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Damnit how is that gonna look magical while raining istfg I don't think before I write I mean it CAN look magical just depends how you imagine it

"Wow"I gasp

"I was actually going to take you to a picnic at a lake my family owns but I guess that's ruined" she says getting out of the car coming to my side opening the door for me

"My lady" she bows and holds out her hand for me to grab

I giggle and link our hands together

We head up a little hill and I can see the full view of the field
I turn my head to the left to see her"Goddamnit Angelina can you be anymore perfect?"i say
"Well look who's talking"she smiles

By now we are soaking wet (from the rain)

"Come on" she says dragging me towards the pond

We reach the pond and she starts taking her shirt off
"What are you doing" I laugh
"Going for a swim"she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world
"I Can see that but really? With all the frogs and seaweed and possibly dead bodies?" I ask

"Don't ruin it and get in here!" She yells, running towards the pond and jumping in it

I dramatically sigh loud enough where she can hear me and start to take off my clothes

"H-holy shit it's freezing" I gasp after the water basically tried to swallow me alive
"Wait why did we take our clothes off if they were already wet" I ask

"Cause it's better like this" she says swimming infront of me and grabbing my waist

We stare at each others eyes for what seems like an eternity but in reality probably only a few minutes

Time starts to slow down as I grab her cheeks (face) with my hands
And we're smiling at eachother like idiots

But no words are needed to know what is being said
Until I hear a gunshot and blood starting to gush out of Angelina's body and I scream "Angelina!"
Okay sorry carry on

"You know I was afraid at first? I mean I've been in love before but not like this I don't think I've ever loved someone as much as I have you. as soon as we met it was like you put some sort of spell on me" Angelina laughs

"I kept telling myself I was straight every time I looked at you when I was in your class for the first time, I think it's safe to say I'm not but if your afraid about me breaking your heart just know that I will never ever do anything to hurt you on purpose the only way I would break your heart is if I die hopefully that's not anytime soon, I love you so fucking much my heart aches every time we're apart and my heart flutters every time you look at me" I say pushing hair behind her ear

she smiles before saying "You kind of scared me when you disappeared for two whole days where did you even go?" She asks
"Uh a gas station" I say
"You slept and stayed at a gas station for 2 days?" She asks

"We're going to get hypothermia if we don't get out of this pond Angelina" I laugh swimming away from her
I walk to my clothes and put them on which was hard considering they kept sticking to my body might I add

By now the rain has slowed down and I'm walking towards the field

I pick a good amount of daisies , I take off my shoelace and tie it around the flower stems keeping them all together creating a bouquet

I hear her walking towards me

"Insert wet squidward walking noise here😭"

"Cringey as fuck but here you go" I hand her the wilderness-made bouquet

"Thank you" she giggles

"Your welcome" I smile

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