Chapter 4

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I stood at the counter at my job and groaned. I was ready to get off and go home. Working all of these double and triple shifts were draining me, but I had to do it if I wanted to move out. "Toni."


"We have a delivery." I went into the system and looked it up. When I saw the name, I perked up. Janet Jackson. I cheered inwardly. I get to see her sexy ass.

"I'll deliver it." My boss came out.

"Are you sure? I thought you hated doing the deliveries?"

"I did, but hey extra pay."

"True. You have all the information?"


"Cool. Good luck and call me when it's done. After that you can just go home. I'll clock you out."

"Sweet." I packed the order and told her I was leaving out. A lot of people get shocked that our boutique delivers but it was our own unique thing. Some people don't have the ability to leave their house, that doesn't mean they don't deserve nice things.

The whole drive to her house, I imagined what her house would be like. I'm guessing it's big. I really liked Janet. She was very beautiful and I had a feeling she had a beautiful heart too. I pulled up to her house and was amazed. Her house was gorgeous. I drove up the driveway and parked in the road about.

Getting out, I walked up the front steps to the door and rang the doorbell. It took a minute but the door opened and there was a girl in front of me with shirts but no shirt or bra on. "Hi, can I help you?" Her smile was warm.

"Yes, I'm here to make a delivery from the boutique for Janet Jackson."

"Okay, one second." She left the door opened but walked away. I stayed standing there and she turned around. "I'm sorry, you can come in."

"Oh." I stepped in and closed the door. I followed behind her and took in the house. It was very warm and beautiful. She led me to the living room, where there were more women half dressed just like her.

"Guys, she's here to make a delivery. Where's Janet?"

"I'll get here." One of the girls got up and her breasts bounced as she walked past me. I looked at all the women.

"You can sit down." I sat on the couch. They all smiled and laughed as they talked.

"What's your name?"


"Toni. That's such a pretty name." They went around introducing themselves but I couldn't focus because I kept looking over their bodies. Some didn't have on tops or bottoms so everything was on display. Damn they were sexy as fuck.

"Toni." One waved their hand.

"I'm sorry." I chuckled.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just're all very beautiful."

"Thank you." I bit my lip as I looked at them and it took a minute for me to realize that they noticed. I quickly stopped.

"Don't be embarrassed. We're flattered." We laughed.

"Well, well. If it isn't Miss Lady." I smiled as Janet came into the room. She had on a sports bra and shorts. Her hair was down and her curls were flowing.

"Janet, Toni has a delivery for you."

"Thank you." I handed it to her.

"No problem."

"So after all this time. Toni, huh." I looked down and smiled. "Now I know what to call you."

"You guys know each other?" One of the ladies asked.

"Yeah. Toni works at the boutique I get you guys stuff from."

"Oh my god. I love that boutique."

"Thanks. Well, umm..I should get going."

"Wait, Toni." I turned and was met with a face full of breasts. Jesus Christ. I looked at the ladies. "You should hang out with us sometimes. We get bored here while Janet's at work."

"We're having a little pool day tomorrow. Why don't you come."


"Yay. Okay, be here in the morning. Janet leaves around nine and that's when we really get crazy." I laughed.

"Okay. I'll be here." One of them hugged me and I felt her breasts against mine. I picked the perfect day to not wear a bra. My nipples got hard against her and I got embarrassed. She pulled away and giggled as she looked at my breasts. "See you guys tomorrow. Bye Janet."

"Bye." I headed out the door and rushed to my car. 

"Damn." I felt hot all over and my pussy was definitely drenched. It was no secret that I liked women but damn they sent my little lesbian side into overdrive. Not to mention the image of Janet's dick moving around in her shorts. This job is definitely going to be fun.


Oh yeah. It's gone get freaky.


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