1. Hours of work

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Ok so

Been putting this off for an hour, plus my friend are now not online to help me, so I'm on my own 😌

Edit: btw image the Starbucks to be like huge :)


Omar's Pov

Another day of work. Another day of misery. As easy as it may seem, being a Barista at Starbucks  can get stressful. Having around 2 Karen's a day, screaming at your face when your tired, Customers getting mad at you for spelling "Alahandero" wrong, and all the other consequences of being basically a slave.

An advantage of working at a Starbucks, is seeing your boyfriend who comes in daily for Red Bull. Or atleast... if you have a boyfriend. Zachary comes in daily for his drink, while him getting.. 'special service' since he's a model. Quite a famous one actually.. He's leaded to a more secluded area of the store when he's staying, since customers go crazy every time they get a glimpse of him. Trying to take photos, videos, one I saw a chick even try to get his DNA with a DNA kit.. creepy ass.

Plus.. he always requests me to serve him since he doesn't trust anyone else, for the reason of 'It could get spiked', although there's no cocaine or any other drugs in your local Starbucks.. eh. I can kind of see his point.

While serving a customer that looked to be an influencer, because she was filming me and asking for the most sour drink we have. In the middle of my sentence when I was about to tell her that I didn't feel comfortable with her putting my face on camera, I got called for a 'special customer' and they needed me to escort them to the kitchen.

I almost instantly see the handsome Model walk through the glass doors, as the lady instantly turned her camera to him, asking questions left and right. It started to get louder, as people were  absolutely screaming at the sight of a famous person. 

They started to crowd around Zachary, taking their phones out and flashing lights in his eyes, taking around a million pictures just like a Mother when you look like absolute shit and she posts it on Facebook.

I was watching closely, when I got yelled at again to go get him, making me jump as I wasn't expecting it. I rushed out into the crowd of people, getting pushed and shoved as I went. I finally reached him, as he had an uncomfortable look on his face. I knew he hated loud noises and crowds, and this would have pissed him off like crazy.

Zachary noticed me, looking into my eyes as I directed my head into the door for the kitchen. He nodded and we started walking, our ears getting screamed into. Of course this man has bodyguards, he just never brought them inside. They only come in if there is a threat. Although even if there is one they still don't come in..

Once we were in the kitchen, employees zoomed around, preparing drinks and baking cake-pops. "So, the usual darling?" I asked him, already getting out his drink from the fridge, knowing the answer. "Yes thank you bae" I heard him walk behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. I closed the fridge door and placed the red bull down onto the counter, trying to turn around to face him, only my head moving instead. "Anything else for today hun?" "I'd like to order a timeoffworkandtimewithyou please" I chuckled at his response.

"Well sorry, that currently isn't on the menu right now!" I spoke, trying to get his hands off of me. Zachary let go of me and picked up his red bull ( I googled 'Does Starbucks sell red bull' and apparently they do in Singapore.. EVERY COUNTRIES STARBUCKS NOW SERVES RED BULL😃 ), opening it with a loud bang.

"I'll stay for a bit longer, then I'll have to go unfortunately, wait when does your shift end?" Zachary said before basically chugging the whole can. "Ok! I do have to continue working until around 6, luckily that's not so long away" I said before kissing him on the nose. "cya later Zachary!"


This is what 1 hr and 41 minutes of work looks like.

Also I can picture Zachary and Omar having panic attacks and crying their eyes out. HEY YOU'LL BE A-OK 👌

My fingers hurt and it's 1:42am, but I really feel like dancing so that's what I'm gonna do :3

This chapter is seriously way shorter than I first expected it to be, as it's only around 650 words.. compared to a chapter I've done that was 4000 words and took me 5 hrs... YEAH🙂


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