Chapter 45

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Chapter 45:

It didn't take long to find Grace and Kyle's brother. They were playing soccer with some other kids. Why would Kyle's brother be in his case the same as mine? That explains the awful moods...Grace ran up to me with Kyle's brother. "Owen, this is Will. He's my," she giggled. "He's my boyfriend." I coughed dramatically.

"Okay, you two have fun. No kissing!" I laughed. They both made a face that was too hysterical to not fall on the ground laughing. Taking the opportunity to run away, they went back to soccer, hand in hand. I laughed on the green grass until my sides hurt. I turned over to lie on my stomach, the blades of grass tickling my chin and nose. A shadow came over the area where I was sitting.

"Having fun?" Kyle asked. Sitting up, I nodded my head smiling. He rolled his eyes and started to leave. Taking the opportunity, I put my hand in the ground and pulled out a fistful of mud and threw it at Kyle. He whipped his head around as it hit his middle back. "Oh it is on!" He laughed. Stooping down, he threw a piece of mud at my face. Standing up, we created a mound of mud and dirt. Soon, the children playing soccer joined in too.

"Children," Rose laughed. "Time to come in." She doubled over laughing and Will took that opportunity to throw a piece of mud at her head. She looked up, her mouth in the formation of an O as she chucked a handful of mud at me. Let's just say we ended up on the ground, rolling in mud, laughing. (ROML?)

A few minutes later we went back inside and I reminded myself that I'm supposed to be sulking. I trudged my muddy feet through the house and stepped into the shower. I came out to find Rose and Gavin making out on the couch while Kyle and Henry awkwardly sat there. My face fell cold, and I sprinted quietly into my room. Grace is dangling her feet on the edge of my bed. I sat down next to her, groaning.

Being the awesome sister that she is, she didn't ask questions, just sat there and patted my back. Smiling through my surprisingly dry eyes, I quickly hugged her and got out of bed. Shielding my eyes from Rose, I quietly ran across the room, and opened the door to outside. It isn't until now that thoughts start flooding my mind. But only one is recurring. Why him?

Okay, let's be honest, I don't love Rose, but I really like her. Maybe I'm only collateral damage to her. No offense to the gods of love, but that really sucks. I sat down in the blades of grass and watched the kids play soccer. I saw Kyle's brother, Will. Wow, a lot has happened in the last few minutes. I mentally just rolled my eyes. I'm really a scatterbrain right now...

With the grass tickling my nose, I let myself drift off to sleep in the hot Australian sun. I don't care that I'm probably going to wake up with the worst sunburn, that pain is nowhere near the pain of my soul breaking. I'm overreacting and my brain is overworking. I'm fairly sure I'm going insane. I'm insane.


I abruptly sit up, causing white dots to take over my vision. I smack my already pounding head on something hard. Rubbing my forehead, and blinking my eyes, I realize that I fell asleep on the soccer field. Add that to the list of embarrassing things that has happened to me.

The soccer ball hit my forehead and I can make out the form of Grace running towards me. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" She screamed into my ear. I nodded, groaning. I just realized I groan a lot. She pursed her lips but obviously decided I wasn't worth the time and ran back to her game.

I got up, wincing as pain flooded through my body like a tsunami. I staggered back to Dave...I mean Gavin's small house. Gavin. I just mentally rolled my eyes. I boldly opened the door to the house and pranced through the living room. My eyes dared to glance near the sofa. Instead of Rose being in the arms of some Satan lover, she was whispering urgently to Henry. Smiling slightly, I calmly walked to my room. Wow, I'm really having a manic depressive day.

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