~Once-ler headcannons~

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Some Cute Once-Ler x Reader Headcannons, (You both came up with the idea of the Thneed, you designed the shape and Once-Ler sewed the creation, you both travelled on the wagon from your countryside lifestyle to start your business)

- Once-Ler's Mom really likes you, but you don't like her as she treats Oncie with no respect and belittles his ideas.

- One day, you both decide to break out of your country lifestyle and take Melvin and the wagon to new places to find the perfect material for your Thneed.

- You were both sleeping and leaning on each other when Melvin approached the Truffula Valley, you both jutted awake and saw the beauty of the Valley, he hugged you and you both started to sing about the beauty! (Cue 'This is The Place' playing in the background)

- He would wake up before you and make pancakes to surprise you!

- He is definitely a big spoon and loves to wrap his arms and even legs around you when you sleep.

- He got you matching Pajamas, so you both wear the same blue and yellow bunny pj's each night.

- At the Truffula Valley, he takes you on little picnics and walks around the lovely scenery.

- He stands up for you against anything including the Lorax, and the residents of Greenville, who thought the Thneed was a useless invention.

- When you both became recognized for the Thneed, he kissed you in front of the whole crowd and everyone cheered.

-You would take turns going out to Greenville and singing/selling Thneeds, sometimes the both of you would go together.

- You both share the same general interests which mean you are both singers! He plays the backing tracks on his guitar!

-You would go on dates with him in the cafés at Greenville!

-He sings in the shower and pretends his bottle of shampoo/conditioner is a microphone

-You would rest your head in his lap while he massages/strokes your hair

-On movie nights you'd catch him watching you instead of the movie

-"Honey, I'm home!"

-He notices you're cold and offers you a Thneed and cuddles you. He'd do anything to make sure you're warm and comfortable!

-Instead of creating machines that cut down the trees, you both invent a machine that takes the tufts from the trees, as well as machines that plant truffula trees!

-He stutters when he's nervous (this is actually canon!)


Darling, Gorgeous, Snowflake, Princess, jellybean.

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